Synchronize Google Docs with other Word Processing Applications

If you are a person who frequently uses word processing applications and share related files with peers, friends etc, then you are probably familiar with Google Docs. Google Docs has been a boon for those who work on creating and publishing documents and wish to access those files from any place on earth.

Due to some advanced features available on Desktop Word Processing applications like Grammar checking, suggesting synonyms on the fly and many other features, people prefer to use them first hand for writing and then upload those files to Google Docs. Even though you can directly create and open documents in Google docs, it doesn’t have the plethora of tools found in Microsoft word.  But if you work on a large number of documents, this can be painstaking. But no more. These nifty applications will help you synchronize your documents on the fly.

docsyncer Doc Syncer: This is a beta version of the software available from After you sign up, you should grant it an access to your Google Docs account. Then you will be allowed to download this amazing document synchronizing software. Once you are on, Docsyncer starts scanning you My Documents and Desktop folders for office documents and syncs them with your Google Docs. Well the new file format of Microsoft Office 2007 namely docx will not be synchronised because Google Docs doesn’t support such files. You need to refresh the page at times to see the files uploaded. So both your computer and your Google Docs will have the same files with latest updates. You can also see revisions of the file. So isn’t it easy?

syncplicity Syncplicity: This is much similar to Doc Syncer. This is a service from GigaOM . This also syncs you offline works on computer with Google Docs. Syncplicity converts the document from Word to a compatible format in Google Docs and then syncs them instantly. It also helps you sync your photo galleries with Facebook.

openoffice.org2googledocs OpenOffice.org2GoogleDocs: This is an extension that will allow you to sync your Google Docs and Open Office documents. It can sync all of your Documents, Presentations or spreadsheets between Google Docs, Zoho, Microsoft Word and This will require Open Office installed. But you will require Java 6 for this.

So, try these applications and syncrhonise your Google Docs with other Word Processing Applications.

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