Tagged: browser

A browser resizer that works from your browser

A browser resizer that works from your browser

Web designers frequently need to test their designs in various browser sizes. Browser window can be resized without using any addon; browize can resize your window from within your browser.

Keep updated on the browser stats and popularity

Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari are the most popular browsers for internet usage for computers. A couple of years ago, Internet Explorer was reining the browser market with about 80% dominance. But now the usage of internet explorer has slumped and other browsers like Firefox, Chrome etc. have risen up. If you want to keep yourself updated on the internet browser usage statistics, you can rely on browser stats page from w3schools.

Destroy text or ads on a page with these bookmarklets

Destroy text or ads on a page with these bookmarklets

Sometimes we come across some cool bookmarklets that are meant just for fun. Here are some bookmarklets that will destroy the text on any webpage in cool ways. You can also use these bookmarklets to destroy annoying ads on a site.

Manage addons and themes using Add-ons Manager on Firefox

With faster loading Javascript, anti virus integration and hardware acceleration and even better scope for addons, Firefox 4 is a compelling choice for basic to advanced users. On Firefox 4, you can manage and install addons, plugins and themes all from a single place, the Firefox Addons Manager.

Draw random lines and make them spin

There are of fun tools which let you draw random shapes on the browser directly. Spin your string is a similar tool but a bit more interesting. Spin your string lets you draw random lines and suspend them as strings and finally make them rotate.

Browse the internet without using a mouse

Mouse and Keyboard are the best known input devices for a computer for a long time now. Even if you have to intermittently jump between your mouse and keyboard, you can’t resist using the both or part from one of them. But how about browsing the internet with just your keyboard and no mouse? Don’t get scared, you won’t have to switch between Alt+Tab and Alt+Shift+Tab to visit the links. A Firefox addon Mouseless browsing has been built just for this very purpose.

Firefox Addon F1 by Mozilla Labs for social sharing

Firefox Addon F1 by Mozilla Labs for social sharing

Facebook’s social plugins, “Share” and “Like” are immensely popular on the web. All sorts of websites and blogs have incorporated these social plugins to make sharing easy. But some still lack them and sometimes you would be looking for one when you won’t be able to find any in the end. For Firefox users, a plugin has been made recently available that enables quick sharing over Facebook, Twitter and Gmail with just a few clicks. Firefox Addon F1 that has just been released officially by Mozilla labs is just the right one for social sharers.

Scrabbly – A Massively Multiplayer Online crossword Puzzle Game

Scrabb.ly is a multiplayer crossword game website that is similar to a popular board game. The beauty of this thing is that, everyone playing the game would be playing it at the same time on a single large Board. Everyone sees the tiles from others in real time as they play.

Internet Explorer 6 crash emulator

Internet Explorer is one of the most used browsers. IE6 still has the largest number of users as compared to the users of other browsers. But with the dawn of the latest browsers IE6 has become more or less obsolete these days because of its lack of features and repeated crashing.

Customizing Toolbar and Status bar in Firefox

Firefox is one of the most popular browsers used and loved by many people. Firefox has many options for customizations and plenty of plugins available for all kind of users. The toolbar and the status bar can also be customized. There are buttons the addition of which, can be a boon.

Google to display more relevant Adsense ads

Google has taken a huge step ahead on targeting the Google Adsense ads. Google has announced that now onwards, the ads will not just be relevant to the content of the website on which it is present but also related to the type of content that people love to see on the internet. Google has launched this “interest-based” advertising as a beta test on its partner sites and Youtube.

Browser based file manager

A web based file manager is available for you. IT Hit has launched a Beta version of their web based file manager. Wouldn’t it be easy to edit and upload Microsoft Office files like Word, Power Point or Excel on the fly? You will also be given a temporary folder for testing.

Download Dot Net required for your computer without downloading the full pack

Download Dot Net required for your computer without downloading the full pack

It is good to install the latest version of .NET framework because some programs might not be compatible with the older versions. But checking the version of .NET already installed on your computer and then downloading the latest version can be a bit tedious. But don’t worry, SmallestDotNet.com will make your work easy.

Firefox Mobile Browser – Fennec

Mozilla, has released the alpha version of Firefox mobile web browser, codenamed Fennec. But at present, it is only available for Nokia 810 and Nokia 800 mobile phones. Mozilla is currently using these internet tablets as a platform for testing their browser publicly. Fennec Mobile browser is also available for desktop computers running on Windows, Mac or Linux. Most of the people probably do not own Nokia 810 or Nokia 800 Internet Tablet, so they can have a taste of this browser, right on their desktop.

Most useful firefox addons

If you want something more than just regular web browsing from your Firefox browser, you can have desired outputs by using certain Addons for Mozilla firefox. Addons like Scribefire, SeoQuake etc. are some of the most popularly used Addons for Mozilla Firefox.

Google Chrome – A Browser from Google

Google has launched a free, open-source browser which it
claims to be the fastest browser on Earth.
The interface looks simple but doesn’t look dull either. Browsing is a
real fun with google chrome.