Tagged: cartoonize


Create your own comic strips with Stripgenerator

You must have been a comic crazy when you were a child. I won’t need to tell that comics give a quick message to the reader in a very amusing way. But making comics of your own must have been a thing that you wouldn’t have ever thought of. Well if you wish to make short and sweet comic strips to show off to your friends without having much knowledge in drawing, then Stripgenerator is there for you.


Cartoonise yourself with Befunky

If you use forums or online groups then you must have used avatars for expressing yourself. Rather than real photos, cartoons are much popular. But the cartoon you choose as your avatar might also have been chosen by others. Now lets think of something cool. What if you create a funky cartoon of yourself and identify yourself with that. Hey you needn’t be a photoshop specialist for this, Befunky is there for you.