Tagged: design

Top 5 Mobile Phones for Women

Top 5 Mobile Phones for Women

Gone are those days when only bulky mobile phones were made to fulfill the needs and desires of the ‘men’ of the society. The Mobile phone companies have discerned the gadget-love of a woman and have come up with many stylish designs, attractive colours as well as many pink features like built-in mirrors.

2012 Laptops to Buy

2012 Laptops to Buy

We are just barely into 2012, but plenty of fantastic laptops have come out in just two or so months. Since there are plenty of people out there who have been sitting on ancient computers and are need of a serious upgrade, now is the perfect time to invest in a new machine.

Web Designers: What You Should Know About SEO

Web Designers: What You Should Know About SEO

Throughout my time in the SEO industry, I’ve come to find that there can be a huge disconnect between web designers and SEOs in terms of how to go about best optimizing a site for the client’s needs. Most designers that I’ve worked with don’t really know much about SEO, and that’s ok because in reality, their job is to design, not optimize. However, I can guarantee that by learning a few simple SEO tips as a designer, you will become much more marketable to your clients. Most importantly, it will be that much easier for you to work with the SEO professionalthat might have a hand in your client’s site also.

How Web Designers Can Effectively Understand Their Clients

How Web Designers Can Effectively Understand Their Clients

Being a web designer has its perks. Whether you’re working freelance from home or for a graphic design business, there’s nothing like the flexibility and control that being a web designer offers. You can be as creative as you want to be, and with a passion for what you do. The only question is, how do you best communicate and understand what your clients want in order to ensure a job well done? We have the answers to your biggest questions so that you never misunderstand the needs of your clientele again.

Designing a brochure

When it comes to brochure design, it’s worth investing in. Most people are heavily influenced by the materials they read. If done right, the combination of words, design, and images could prove to be a winning strategy for your product.

Tired of Lorem Ipsum? Try Hipster Ipsum

Tired of Lorem Ipsum? Try Hipster Ipsum

The Lorem Ipsum dummy text is used as a placeholder text or say a filler text in designs. Lorem Ipsum has been used since long. But it has so ubiquitous that you see the Lorem Ipsum dummy text in most of the design samples. If you are tired of the Lorem ipsum dummy text, you can try out Hipster Ipsum that is similar to Lorem Ipsum dummy text.

Phenomenal Sony Playstation 4 Concept

Phenomenal Sony Playstation 4 Concept

As of late, whispered rumors that the potential release of Sony’s Playstation 4 could come next year are traveling through the video game world. Of course, Sony is refusing to answer questions and will undoubtedly save the announcement for a widely-covered press event: say 2012’s E3.

5 Tips for Creating Killer Landing Pages

5 Tips for Creating Killer Landing Pages

Creating killer landing pages can pay you back in big dividends. Your landing page, or the page users are directed to after they make that first click in the search results, should be captivating and offer a clear and concise actionable message. This may sound easy in theory, but landing page design is slightly more complex than this simple goal. Here are five tips to take to heart when building your landing pages.

Get beautiful artwork for your iPhone and iPad at Poogla

iPhone and iPad are great devices for sharing and showing off your photos. If you are an art fanatic, you might as well show off arts and sketches via the devices. At Poogla, you can find tons of artwork created by talented artists, designers and illustrators. Poogla offers artwork images in sizes compatible for iPhone and iPad.

A collection of Mobile Wireframes

Mobile Wireframe is an illustration of the basic elements used in the interface and before making any visual design for mobile applications, creating a wireframe is necessary. Moobileframes is a collection of mobile wireframes found on the web.

Read any text in the most suitable font for you

The overall appearance of a site plays a great role in luring a reader into spending more time on the site. One of the components is the font. The font face and size differ variously and some sites that use really tiny, barely legible fonts distract you a lot. Readability can be a good solution in such cases.

A photograph of a Turtle resembling the Twitter fail whale

The Twitter Fail Whale, that is employed by Twitter when it is overcapacity is very popular. It is a garphic created by Yiying Lu which shows a whale being held up by a flock of birds in an ocean. Such a scenario isn’t conceivable in the real world but a photograph taken under the sea featuring a frail turtle swimming over a reef and a couple of fishes hovering around it is very similar to the Twitter Fail whale.

The New Twitter now open for everyone

Today Twitter has announced a New revamped Twitter that they had been calling the New Twitter. Although many users had already experienced it some while ago, the rest hadn’t got a chance to see what it looked like. The New re-engineered Twitter has a lot of features and you’ll love it for sure.

Is Facebook bringing forth a new design?

Is Facebook bringing forth a new design?

Facebook has undergone a lot of changes since its establishment. They bring new designs and adds components time to time on Facebook. Facebook could be rolling out a new design very soon as evident from the small changes being seen in Facebok. And it sure is likely that many users will protest the redesign.

Twitter fail whale necklace, cake and more

Every Twitter user must have come across the Twitter fail whale when Twitter datacenter is over capacity. This whale landing on your screen means that you’ll be deprived of using Twitter for a couple of seconds or even minutes. The image also known as “Lifting up a Dreamer” actually comprises of a giant white whale, ten small birds and a blue sea with orange waves. The twitter whale was ubiquitous during the World Cup 2010 when the football fans where busy tweeting regarding the great football festival. The fail whale is immensely popular among Twitter fans and it has been sculpted into various forms.

Twitter theme designer for the New Twitter

You can customize Twitter profile background by selecting a well designed image that fits in your Twitter profile page and that best suits you. Have you been wanting a new Twitter theme design? Colourlovers has brought forth a Twitter theme design tool called Themeleon for the upcoming New Twitter.

Give a custom background to your Twitter page

What does your Twitter page look like? You must be using one of those themes provided by Twitter or have added your own background. But simply uploading an image for a background won’t look much impressive without adding proper elements in right places. Twitter just allows you to change the background image and the colors of the text. So, if you want to design a theme for your Twitter profile, you should go for FreeTwitterDesigner.

Google Docs Templates-Cool and Useful

Sometimes you need to create documents on your Google Docs in a jiffy. Something like an invitation card, to send out to your friends or maybe a short schedule. So, what will you do, dole out some time in adding colors to them? You won’t be satisfied if your invitation card looks ugly. But you won’t need to make a fuss, at such times Google Docs’ templates come in handy.

PQLabs iTable or Microsoft’s Surface

Microsoft’s Surface Computing Technology might have blow your heads off. Well PQLabs has come up with its surface computing device which it calls it the iTable. And it is just as smart and stunning as Microsoft’s surface.