Tagged: e-reader

3 Kindle Cover Options You Might Not Have Considered 0

3 Kindle Cover Options You Might Not Have Considered

Whether you have a brand new Kindle Fire or an old school Kindle DX, you’ll want to protect it from everyday wear with a case or cover. The good news is with so many options, you don’t have to settle for a boring or featureless cover. The most common design is a flip-open style case which protects both the front and the back of your Kindle blah blah blah. Instead of going over run of the mill covers, this post will review three styles of Kindle covers which look great or make using your Kindle even more enjoyable.

Can technology improve a child’s reading? 0

Can technology improve a child’s reading?

With nearly 146 million people owning an iPhone, it’s no wonder that technology should play a part in our children’s lives. We live in an ever evolving society and should be utilising all that technology has to offer, especially when it comes to our little ones’ education.

Imagining the e-book reader of the future. 0

Imagining the e-book reader of the future.

The E-book reader is quite possibly my favorite new tech gadget of the last few years; I believe these devices have the potential to help save millions of trees, and more over they are extremely convenient, allowing you to carry thousands of book in a little device that’s often smaller and lighter than a standard paperback novel.


5 Reasons why the Amazon Kindle Makes a Better World

Having recently gotten into Amazon’s e-reader craze by purchasing the third and latest iteration of the Kindle device, I have become an absolute adept. In fact, I believe this little device will certainly make the world a better place, for reasons that will be detailed in this article.