Tagged: excel

How to extract URLS from hyperlinks in Excel

Your column of data in excel can contain anything from normal texts to numbers and even hyperlinks. If you type in any URL in the standard format, Excel automatically hyperlinks the URL text to the respective link. But sometimes, the links are associated or are hyperlinks of some other anchor text, rather than the link itself. In such case, it won’t be practical to individually click each link or to make their list. Or, another scenario is that you may need to extract links from a long list of hyperlinks you found on a webpage. Well if need to extract hyperlinks from excel in hundreds or even thousands, here is a nifty little trick.

Copying all cells and copying a whole sheet in Excel

While using Excel, you frequently need to move data from one sheet to another or one file to another. You might need to move or copy a portion of data in a sheet to another sheet or copy all cells in a sheet to another. But there is a difference between copying all cells from a sheet to another and copying the sheet itself.

Easy Shortcuts for dropdown picking and pasting values in Excel

Easy Shortcuts for dropdown picking and pasting values in Excel

There is a long list of shortcuts and tricks for Microsoft Excel to get things done quickly and easily. As one may need to deal with large data using Excel, even a keyboard shortcut can be very handy. If you have a column with lots of data and need to use an earlier value in another cell within the same column, a dropdown list would be very handy. This can be done with a simple keyboard shortcut.

How to sort cells containing specific text in Excel

The merits of access are endless. Excel is undoubtedly a very powerful tool for organizing data and filtering them. There are many tools that help you sort and filter data in Excel. You must have run across times when you need to sort cells containing specific words and then pile them up together. For example, you may sometimes need to sort a list of people by their last names. If you wonder how to do it, here’s an easy trick.

AC/DC’s “Rock and Roll Train” – World’s first Music video created in Excel

AC/DC’s “Rock and Roll Train” – World’s first Music video created in Excel

What do you use Excel for; creating spreadsheets, graphs, charts and all? Microsoft Excel is used by people in various ways. But can you imagine a video created in Microsoft Excel? The video for the song “Rock and Roll Train” by the legendary Rock Band AC/DC was created entirely in Microsoft Excel.

How to filter documents and photos in Gmail

Sorting emails containing documents, pictures or other files would be easier if they could be filtered into respective folders as soon as they reach your inbox. Using Gmail Filters, you can filter emails containing documents into a “Documents” folder, the ones containing pictures to “Images” folder and the like, making it easier for you to search through them.

Upload Excel 2007 files directly to Google Docs

The latest version of Microsoft Office Excel till date i.e. Excel 2007. The extension of files created or edited with Excel 2007 are saved as .xlsx files. This kind of file is not supported by the earlier versions of Microsoft Excel i.e. by Excel 2003. This kind of file was also not supported by Google docs. But recently they have added a feature letting you to upload Excel 2007 files.