Tagged: face recognition

Ubuntu reacting to changes in physical environment 2

Ubuntu reacting to changes in physical environment

Although the dawn of the touchscreen devices has lowered the usage of keyboard and mouse a bit, they still reign over. These days, many ways of input into a system have been devised with the hardware sensors. Now how about controlling a system without any of the popular input devices? Cannonical has been working on a technology that can enable users to control a system via their body movements and Face recognition.


Facial recognition technology now comes to Facebook

Many of us have started using the facial recognition technology to search people offered by iPhoto or Google Picasa. But how would it be to look for your friends’ photos using the Facial Recognition technology? Sounds cool? Face.com is bringing this technology to facebook via a new application called the Photo Finder. Not only you’ll be able to search your friends’ photos in your network but also look for them in other photos where you’ll get suggestions for tagging them.