Tagged: followers

The first tweets of Top 10 Twitterers with highest number of followers

The top Twitter users have over 5 million followers and they are mostly the top known celebrities in the Entertainment industry. Lets see what they tweeted when they first joined twitter. Here’s a list of the First Tweets by the Top Twitter users with the highest number of followers.

Some Twitter text commands that might interest you

Twitter, the microblogging platform which has now become a major appendage of the web is used by us everyday. You use Twitter for posting your updates and short messages for your followers to read. But have you ever tried out some of the interesting text commands in Twitter that make your work easier than ever?

Manage your Twitter followers with Tweepler

Manage your Twitter followers with Tweepler

Do you find problems keeping track of people who follow you on Twitter? Or you are confused about following back people who are following you? A recently launched Twitter application Tweepler helps you decide whether to follow a person or not.