Tagged: google voice

Google Voice Search Lands on iOS, Could Spell Trouble For Siri 0

Google Voice Search Lands on iOS, Could Spell Trouble For Siri

The tech world’s most favorite former partners-turned-enemy couples Apple and Google are once again going at it, and once again, Google will probably come out with the upper hand. In a move that probably shouldn’t really be all that surprising, Google is introducing a voice assistant system much like Apple’s Siri to iOS. This is a big step for Google, but not really in the direction of mending any ties between the former Google Maps partner.

Don’t type, just speak up your keyword-Google Voice Search 1

Don’t type, just speak up your keyword-Google Voice Search

Gone are the days when you used to type those small eye-straining letters on your mobile’s keypad to perform a search in Google. Things have changed and have gone a lot better now. Thanks to Google Apps with its new Voice Search Tool for Mobile Applications.