Tagged: iPhone 5


The Agonizing Wait Continues as iPhone 5 Runs out of Stock

The Agonizing Wait Continues as iPhone 5 Runs out of Stock The most eagerly awaited smartphone of all times, Apple iPhone 5, finally hit the Indian markets, or rather we should say the legitimate Indian markets, on the 2nd of November 2012.

Apple’s New iPhone has Improved Features 0

Apple’s New iPhone has Improved Features

Apple unveiled its latest iPhone on the 12th of September, 2012, and the device was welcomed with mixed reactions. While customers and analysts were amazed by the prospects, critics had enough to believe otherwise. Regardless, the iPhone 5 is expected to take the market by storm, not only in the United States, but all over the world as tech-savvy customers are relishing Apple’s latest device. The phone, however, seems more of an upgrade on Apple’s previous phones, than an out-and-out revolutionary product. Following are a few of the features that make the iPhone 5 distinct from its predecessors.

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Interesting facts about the iphone5

Apple recently released their latest mobile device: the iPhone 5. Their new mobile gadget did not take the world by storm, as most people expected it to; until the company’s chief executive explained the upgrades and features they had included and done away with. Its predecessor, the iphone 4, was more enchanting to the apple fans and was appreciated world-wide. However, most people claim that the reason for their laxity was due to the Samsung S3 which has been released days earlier than this gadget. For those who have not set their hands on this gadget, you are assured that you are missing several things.


Samsung Galaxy S3 Vs iPhone5

There have been a lot of comparisons going on between the new Samsung galaxy s3 and the iPhone 5. These comparisons are the latest that the bloggers are typing their best on but what...


iPhone 5’s camera gives purple flare on images

If you are an owner of iPhone, you must have played around with it enough to know of all its essential features. The iPhone 5 has a serious camera problem that gives a purple flare to the photographs. Apple had been denying to this fact until recently but a more recent conversation with an Apple agent has led us to believe that the problem is indeed with the device.

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iPhone 5: The new iPhone generation

The modern world regularly experiences Apple’s annual iPhone launch. Apple held a launch event on September 12th during which the iPhone 5 was unveiled, with the phone gone on sale on the 21st of September. The launch date seems fairly certain now, but what else is known about the sixth generation iPhone?

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iPhone 5 destroyed by Laser

You must have seen several videos on Youtube of iPhones getting destroyed by grinders, bullets and drops on concrete floors. Videos that show iPhone being vandalized are generally pointless, but this one is a bit different, and it also shows how cool the Siri is. Created by youtube user kipkay, it shows how Siri responses at extremely high temperature.

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Tips on Taking Panoramic Photos With the iPhone 5

One of the new offerings of the sixth generation Apple iPhone presented this September 12 is the Panorama feature for the iSight camera. And while it is true that nothing much has changed in terms of the camera (it still is only 8 megapixels for the rear though the front camera was changed from VGA to 1.2 megapixels cam), the special feature of panoramic photos on iPhone 5 made people want to sell used iPhone all the more.


iPhone 5 launched!

The much awaited gadget of the year, the iPhone has been officially announced by Apple unveiled their new smartphone, tech pundits have already started ranting about whether iPhone 5 will be a miraculous amidst other high end smartphones like Samsung Galaxy S3 and the recently launched Nokia Lumia 920.

What You Can Be Expecting from the iPhone 5 0

What You Can Be Expecting from the iPhone 5

Few things in the world are guaranteed these days, but if one thing is for sure, if Apple has a new product coming out, the whole tech world goes into an uproar. This year isn’t much different with the iPhone 5 scheduled for a release on September 12th. There are many hopes that the release will bring about many distinctive features that the iPhone 4S failed to do after the iPhone 4 release.


Latest Images of The New iPhone Compared to The iPhone 4S

It’s exciting times at the moment for Apple fans. Apple has a media event scheduled for the 12th September 2012, and we’re 99% certain that they will announce the new iPhone 5 during this event! Not only that, but we expect them to release the device just a few days later on the 21st September – at least in the United States anyway. International release dates will probably happen around October 5th (going by previous iPhone releases and how they were handled).


Latest leaked images of the iPhone 5

Rumours of a September launch date for the Apple iPhone 5 are becoming increasingly credible as more leaked pictures become available. These latest images appear to show a fully assembled and complete iPhone 5 for the first time. We have seen the supposed backplate, front plate and blueprints as well as a whole host of engineering models, but this appears to be the first time a legitimate iPhone 5 has been assembled in all its gadgety glory.

Source Reveals iPhone 5 Will Have 4 Inch Screen 0

Source Reveals iPhone 5 Will Have 4 Inch Screen

It seems as though the rumors surrounding the latest iPhone begin to heat up this time round every year. However, this year the people reporting things such as a larger screen are actually sources within the company itself. The rumors about a bigger 4 inch screen in the latest iPhone 5 said to release later this year have gained strength and some credibility as a source within the company says this is a reality. Even a source of the Wall Street Journal said that the new iPhone will have a 4 inch screen.

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Meeting Expectations with the iPhone 5

In the five years since the release of the first iPhone, Apple have maintained their worldwide reputation for excellence and usability and with this in mind, all eyes will be on their annual Developers...