IT – don’t DIY
It’s one thing indulging in a bit of do-it-yourself (DIY) in your own home; putting up the odd shelf here, fixing a bit of plumbing there…but it’s another to do it in your office.
A blog on Tech Tips, Online Tools and Software, Blogging, Mobile World, Tech News and Social Media
It’s one thing indulging in a bit of do-it-yourself (DIY) in your own home; putting up the odd shelf here, fixing a bit of plumbing there…but it’s another to do it in your office.
Off late have you been struggling with your PC and solutions are nowhere in sight. If yes, then it’s about time you took a breather; for in the present era a gamut of online computer support companies are geared to offer a ready solution to all PC-related issues. Boasting of competent and technically qualified team of experts such entities are ready to assist clients with all installation and configuration issues related to their PC and its associated peripherals.
A common complaint of people who call computer support hotlines is that their computers have become slow. They say that it is unresponsive and are not able to run their programs as fast as they used to. Some would even drive all the way to a Manchester IT Support shop just because of the frustrations that having a slow computer can have.
by karenrandall23 · Published June 20, 2011 · Last modified September 23, 2013
There had always been questions regarding the benefits of in-house versus remote IT Support. Here are a few sticking points when it comes to these debates.