Tagged: language

Use Wikipedia’s simple English version for concise version of articles

Use Wikipedia’s simple English version for concise version of articles

Wikipedia gives a good insight into all sorts of topics with the most upto date information. But there are times when you don’t need to dig deep into the details and just want to skim read. If you want quick and short overview of a topic, you can use Wikipedia’s Simple English version for the original page where to have brief information on the topic.

Langover for multilingual work environements

If you have to work in a multilingual environment and need to type in alternate languages frequently Langover 5.0 can be your ideal choice. Langover is a freeware that lets you convert your text between different languages with ease. Langover 5 supports almost all languages. You can use Langover for various purposes like for switching between languages, changing case, reverse a text and more.

Get mails translated to your language

Get mails translated to your language

Sometimes you may get emails in other languages like Czech, Chinese etc. You think such messages to be spam and neglect them. But sometimes, you may also get emails of your interest in your Inbox that are not in your native language. Now if you wish to read such emails, you won’t have to go to Google Translator or Babelfish. Google Labs now has a new plugin that lets you get your emails translated without having to leave your Gmail.

Online OCR Service

Online OCR Service

OCR stands for “Optical Character Recognition”. It is the process of recognizing texts in a scanned image by a computer. OCR software are very useful and there are lots of them. OCR is also available through Microsoft Office Document Imaging. But you might not get a software anytime on your demand. But you can also have free OCR service online through some websites.

Understanding a Google query URL

Understanding a Google query URL

Google gives a lot more options for filtering your search results. Like if you want to look for the definition or meaning of a certain word, you need not go to dictionary.com and search for the word. You can get your meaning with the query, “define:word” in Google. Or you can find all the pages in a site with the query, “site:yoursite.com”. You can also get desired results by modifying the Google Query URL that it returns after a query.