Tagged: mobile

Mobile Gaming through the Years

Mobile Gaming through the Years

Snake got a shake-up; double snakes, the ability to pull off a ‘quantum style leap’ from one end of your screen to the other, but it just wasn’t enough – we wanted birds, and we wanted them angry. Ok, not that we knew it at the time, but there were only ever so many pixels the Nokia screen could provide before your snake ultimately blacked out your game; great while it lasted, but for the technology industry, and users of the mobile phone, it was onwards and upwards.

LG Flash Mob- The Real ‘Reality Show’!

LG Flash Mob- The Real ‘Reality Show’!

LG Flash Mob- The Real ‘Reality Show’! This is true that Indian movie world has experienced a lot change and it has become more realistic in the course of time. However, it is still...

Charging Your Cell Phones Wirelessly Through Microwaves: An Innovative Concept!

Wireless networks have always proved to be beneficial over the untidy and cumbersome wired counterparts. In today’s world, cellular phones have become a basic necessity of life and with such high level of importance for this small device, recharging them has always remained a problem. Depending on the make and model of phone, different ones feature different battery stand and talk time. One common thing is that all the mobile phones have to be charged compulsorily once the battery gets drained out.

Online and mobile technology to transform gaming industry

It looks like not a day pass by without discovering something new related with Smartphones and other “Smart” portable devices such as iPad. Information that gaming is huge on Smartphones is not such fresh information but latest reports say that “boxes” such as PlayStation and Xbox might become a thing of the past.

Mobile VoIP – What’s the future?

Mobile VoIP – What’s the future?

VoIP has been around for quite some time and little needs to be said about the advantages they enjoy over wired or wireless carriers. As you may have guessed, call prices is what drives users to VoIP in spite of the fact that voice quality over internet has much to be desired. The usual way to take advantage of VoIP based services is to use Skype like programs. However, the cumbersome procedures make it a little difficult when you have to do it on mobile devices. There is first the need that users at both ends have to be online, and the second is internet speeds have to be substantial if it is going to be a video call.

The Advantages of Prepaid Phones

The Advantages of Prepaid Phones

All phones have their advantages and disadvantages, but the one thing that people around the world are looking at right now is the cost. We’re in difficult times financially with prices increasing and disposable income decreasing, so more and more people are looking to cut costs wherever possible, and the mobile phone is one area that people are looking at.

Finding the Right Mobile Phone For You

Finding the Right Mobile Phone For You

When you’re looking for just the right mobile phone, you need to look at it as a whole, rather than as just a phone. There are so many options out there that getting the right phone is almost like finding your soul mate. For instance, you have to consider:

On Medicaid? Get a Free Government Cell Phone from Lifeline

On Medicaid? Get a Free Government Cell Phone from Lifeline

If you’re a US citizen that is currently living with a very low income or participating in federal assistance programs like Medicaid or Food Stamps, you may qualify to receive a free cell phone courtesy of the Lifeline Across America program. This federal government initiative was established to ensure that every adult across the nation has access to their own phone, regardless of their financial means.

Advantages of Using a Mobile Survey App

Advantages of Using a Mobile Survey App

Everywhere you look, the world has gone mobile. Whether it be mobile computers (tablets) or mobile phones; in particular, the ubiquitous smartphone. People seem to constantly on the go and they want the convenience of their technology “essentials”with them at all times.