Tagged: music

Shazam For TV

If you love music, you probably already know that Shazam is certainly a beloved app that helps you identify the name and artist of a song. According to Shazam Entertainment, the app has already been used to tag music by 250 million people worldwide. As if that isn’t enough, the app designers have made it even better. Shazam can now be used as a television companion app, opening up the door for more capabilities and an even larger user base.

5 Ways Technology Was Used to Create Your Favorite Song

5 Ways Technology Was Used to Create Your Favorite Song

When Thomas Edison was creating the phonograph, he surely had no idea that an entire industry would spring up around his device. Even if he did have some inkling, you can bet that he wouldn’t expect to see the dramatic technological advances that have accompanied that industry.
From records to 8-tracks to cassettes to CDs and finally MP3s, technology has certainly changed the way we consume music. What you might not realize, however, is that technology has dramatically changed the way that music is produced, as well.

Top 5 Free Online Radio Apps for Your Smartphone

Top 5 Free Online Radio Apps for Your Smartphone

Smartphones offer the best of many worlds, including serving as portable radio stations and juke boxes. Here’s a look at the top radio apps available for a wide range of smartphones.

The evolution of Music through technology

The evolution of Music through technology

Technology has changed the way we live our lives. Things that were once difficult have now become easy. Most people are aware of this fact when it comes to communication. But not many people know that it also applies to music.


Cancel out surrounding sound with Klipsch’s Mode Headphones

So you’ve gone out and spent all of your hard earned pennies on a new top of the range MP3 player able to hold more music than you will ever own in a life time. You’ve bought a brand new case for it to protect it from bumps and scraps and even invested in a fancy new plug in charger. But, did you buy a new pair of headphones?

Make a Google Translator beat box

Google Translator is by far the most widely used translation engine on the internet. Google Translator has added a lot of features since its release making it all the more desirable and user friendly. Google Translator also allows you to listen to your translation as speech. Here’s a trick that shows how you can have a beat box from Google Translator using its Text-to-Speech feature.

Tune your Guitar online

Playing an untuned guitar makes no sense, however great a musician you are. Tuning a guitar can be easy for professionals but can be a bit cheesy for noobs. Each note should be got right as a single ill-note can make the whole music awful. Well you can also tune your guitar online.

Animoto’s New Features

Animoto lets you create amazing videos from your photos without requiring you to give much effort. Animoto has introduced a bunch of new features which will engage you a lot more into it. The recently introduced new features, Image Collections, Animoto Valentines and New Music Genres will embellish your videos for sure.