Some tools to check the position of a site on Search Engines
A webmaster is always concerned about the ranking of his site for the chosen keywords and the traffic driven to the site. Checking the SERP rankings of any website for a particular keyword is pretty much easy and straightforward as, a webmaster can wear the shoes of a normal netizen and search for his chosen keyword. Then comes the task of locating his site on the SERPs. If the site appears on the first page or even the second, it wouldn’t be much of a difficult job. But imagine if your website is just budding and lags far behind in the search rankings. In such a case, doing a manual check over all the results ranging to the 10thm, 20th or God knows how many pages could be very tedious. To assist you in such cases, there are lots of tools that show the position of your website on the search engines in a snap. Here are some of the tools for checking a website’s position on search engines.