Tagged: security

Security Risks for Smartphone Users

Security Risks for Smartphone Users

Wherever you are, whether you are simply at home, in the office or even if you travel to another country, you would always see a number of people using smart phones. Smart phones have become so popular anywhere because of the ease and convenience they bring. They not only give people entertainment because of the numerous applications that can be downloaded but they can also allow people to transact and do their work through them. Due to these, smart phones should also be equipped with an efficient antivirus software which would help protect people’s personal information and business transactions. Most smart phone users do not realize that smart phones are actually similar to computers. They need to be installed with an antivirus program because they are prone to viruses and malwares. With operating systems the same with the smart phones, users should also be aware that they need to protect themselves and this could be done with an antivirus program installed to them.

How to secure email hosting for business

How to secure email hosting for business

Email or webmail hosting solutions provide customers access to messaging and information sharing resources. Securing email hosting can be a difficult issue for clients or users. Many of the suggestions for a secure webmail hosting can be planned. These tips are regular updates to functions, passwords, backups and many others. In this article we would discuss tips for secure email hosting.

Cool Gadgets to Keep Your Home Safe

Cool Gadgets to Keep Your Home Safe

Home security is important to everyone, no matter where you live. If you are looking to add some security to your home, check out some of these great gadgets. They may be just what you are looking for to keep your home and family safe.

The Broad Spectrum of Security Gadgets Available Today

The Broad Spectrum of Security Gadgets Available Today

The advances in technology have increased the number of products now available for use as security items. One major advance in this field is the ability to make these devices on an extremely small scale so they can be fit into everyday objects.

Five Authentication Options

Five Authentication Options

The recent LinkedIn password breach was yet another reminder of how weak the simple password method of authentication has become. The base login name and password system is weak for two primary reasons: First, most people reuse their password on multiple sites, making it easier for hackers to get into a number of accounts. Two, most people use passwords easy to remember – so easy that the password is used by hundreds of other people, too. In one recent breach, it was discovered that the most common password was Red Sox or some variation of the baseball team’s name.

The Five Most Common Security Mistakes New Companies Make

The Five Most Common Security Mistakes New Companies Make

Computers are a valuable tool for company owners and small business owners as well. They are used for storing sensitive data and are also used to access the internet. Computers also enable managers and employees to finish the job in a much easier and efficient way thus increasing the company’s production.

Wireless security? Do-it-yourself installation

Wireless security? Do-it-yourself installation

Wireless security? Do-it-yourself installation? In the high-tech age of the 21st century, we’re definitely not talking about your parent’s home security system! While you might think that advanced security technology makes home security more complicated, the reverse is actually true – protecting your home now is easier than ever. Wireless means that there are no holes to drill and no wires to connect sensors and keypads. Wireless systems are safer for pets and children who could chew through – or get tangled in – wires. Many of today’s wireless systems can also communicate with the central monitoring station (which calls the police or fire department) using not only a landline, but also broadband internet and cellular/GSM technology.

Business Email Threat Alert

Business Email Threat Alert

The threat landscape is constantly evolving with new ways to attack being developed by criminals every day. The threat is especially dangerous for businesses whose email contains important financial and proprietary information. Take a look at these rising threats and a few ways to protect yourself.

Police use Bluetooth Messages to fight crime

Police use Bluetooth Messages to fight crime

Bluetooth technology is widely used within our techno-savvy society. It is used in targeting at-risk and youth groups in reducing crime and heightening awareness. How are police officers taking advantage of the technology? They are spreading messages to mobile users about crime prevention. The messages include safety tips while out on the town. Law enforcement agencies are using wireless protocols in raising awareness in combating crimes while keeping our youth safe when out partying with friends.

Passwords in iPhone or iPad devices can be retrieved within minutes

Passwords in iPhone or iPad devices can be retrieved within minutes

Do you own an iPhone or iPad? You must have had tens or hundreds of iPhone applications installed on your device and may be using them to access online services that require your credentials. Scientists at the Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology(SIT) test laboratory in Germany have demonstrated how your lost iPhone or iPad can be jailbreaked to gain access to its command shell.

Microsoft to put an end to Autorun in Windows

Microsoft to put an end to Autorun in Windows

Microsoft’s Autorun feature has been a boon for many users but hackers have also been using it to input malwares without user authorization. Microsoft will soon release an update that it calls an “important but Non-Security” update that will remove the Autorun feature in Windows.

How to delete cookies of selected sites

Sometimes you need to delete the cookies from selected sites or from a single site to clear specific preferences without deleting all Browser Cookies. You can do this through a little workaround with Firefox Options or by using Remove Cookies for Site addon for Firefox.

Online text encryptors

Online text encryptors

Encryption is basically a process of transforming data (referred to as plaintext) using an algorithm (called cipher) to make it unreadable to anyone except for those possessing special knowledge, usually referred to as a key. The encrypted information or the ciphertext is the end result that can be changed to the original form using decryption process (the reverse of encryption). Encryption has its wide use when it comes to transferring data securely. There are some online text encryptors as well that are available for free.

Foxit Reader releases Security patches

One of the most popular alternatives for Adobe Reader, the Foxit reader has announced security patches for some of its vulnerabilities that were discovered some time ago. Many of us know that Foxit Reader is a very easy to use tool for reading PDF documents and one need not bear the hassle of installing the software, it can be used by just copy-pasting.

Internet Explorer’s Bug Patch to be Released

Internet Explorer’s Bug Patch to be Released

Microsoft is going to launch the patch for the Internet Explorer’s bug called Zero Day Vulnerability. Because of this bug, several websites suffer from a malicious JavaScript, which targets Internet Explorer 7. It may execute a series of redirections to multiple URLs to finally connect to one of several different domains.