Tech Tips for Managing Money
If you need help in managing your money or credit cards, there are many different avenues that you can take. If you like technology, you can use your iPhone or other smart phone device to help you manage money.
A blog on Tech Tips, Online Tools and Software, Blogging, Mobile World, Tech News and Social Media
If you need help in managing your money or credit cards, there are many different avenues that you can take. If you like technology, you can use your iPhone or other smart phone device to help you manage money.
Turning ones smartphone into a GPS tracking device is not a difficult task. If you have never used GPS applications before, you might not know what they are used for. GPS tracking applications can be used for various tasks.
If you have a smartphone, you’ve probably noticed that your battery life isn’t optimal. This could be because lithium battery technology hasn’t been able to keep up with the quickly advancing world of smartphones, but it has a lot to do with battery draining apps. Here’s a list of apps known to drain your battery and some simple ways to save your battery life.
2011 is gone; yet there is much to be remembered about this year in the gadget world. Here is a look at the some of the best-selling gadgets of the year.
Why is grass green and the sky blue? Why does bread always fall buttered side down? Why do we crave smartphones?
by admin · Published November 19, 2011 · Last modified September 23, 2013
Android is one of the most popular operating systems for mobile devices out there. With the only other serious competitor being Apple’s iOS, it’s difficult to say otherwise. Being perhaps the most popular operating system out there, there are a ton of phones currently running it. With such a huge selection of phones running Android, how can you pick the best one? Well, in an effort to make the choice easier on you, I’ve put together a list of the five best Android phones out there right now.
We have already witnessed the fourth generation of mobile phones. But have you imagine what a mobile phone would look like if it had both digital and mechanical parts? If not, you should see the Rotary Mechanical Smartphone.