Tagged: storage

Online Storage – The Best Data Storage Technology Today 0

Online Storage – The Best Data Storage Technology Today

Everyday starts with innovations and developments in technological devices to provide us more facility and reliance in using them within affordable price range. That is the very reason behind the development of small sized laptops, PDAs, flash drives and giant hard drives which are maximizing their storage capacity day by day.

The Evolutionary Stages of Storage 0

The Evolutionary Stages of Storage

The storage landscape has changed dramatically in the past two decades. In the 1980s and 1990s, companies struggled with keeping their data secure, accessible, and backed up. It wasn’t uncommon for larger enterprises to have a storage engineer just to maintain storage systems and make sure that important data was safe.


Sky Drive- An online hard disk

Sky Drive is a part of Microsoft’s Windows Live Family of Web-2.0 style online offerings. It is actually your online hard disk where you can store your files and protect them with passwords. Well it is not just about protecting your files, Windows Live Sky Drive can be your one stop destination for sharing large files or large number of files. When it was lauched as a beta version, only 1 GB of online storage was provided. But now you can have a full 5 GB storage.