Tagged: system

What to look for with ERP Systems/Software 0

What to look for with ERP Systems/Software

When a small business begins to expand, the issue of streamlining becomes of upmost importance. Tasks that that used to be compartmentalised with a few spread-sheets and a filing cabinet become more complex as businesses begin to employ more staff and increase the number of avenues with which they purchase stock, sell products and source clients.

Chargify: A Billing System For Your Site 2

Chargify: A Billing System For Your Site

As businesses continue to move to the online front it is becoming more and more common for sites to have online stores or paid online services. And with that comes the responsibility of running a payment system that is convenient to your users but can also avoid problems with things like bad credit cards. Here as an option for small businesses is Chargify.

Some Command Prompt Shortcuts for handling Control Panel 1

Some Command Prompt Shortcuts for handling Control Panel

We need to access Control Panel every now and then for tweaking our PC. Some items are available in the main control panel root folder while for some, you have to dig deep into it. You can run the Control Panel tools by using the appropriate shortcuts from the command line. Here is a list of some commands that can be used from the command prompt or from the Run Command to access some useful Control Panel tools.