Tagged: tablet


Do Mobile Price Wars Benefit Consumers?

Over the past few years, the price of smart phones and tablet computers has decreased significantly. While some of this price reduction is due to improved manufacturing processes, a significant cause of recent price reductions is increased competition. As more manufacturers enter the mobile consumer electronics market, the price of these goods will drop. The following guide explores how mobile price wars impact the consumer experience.

Sony Joins The Table Market 0

Sony Joins The Table Market

Computer tablets are everywhere, filling the shelves of consumer electronic stores. It may seem like a daunting task to sift through the confusing specifications of each tablet and find the perfect choice for your needs. If you hop from meeting to meeting or type reports during lengthy commutes, the Sony Vaio tablet ultrabook may be just what you need.

The History of Tablets: When Was the First? 0

The History of Tablets: When Was the First?

With so much technology in the world today, it’s interesting that some don’t even know the start of these much famed and used and purchased items. Take tablets for instance, can you guess when the first patent was granted for an electronic tablet that was going to be used for handwriting?



Now that most consumers are looking forward to buying Android Tablets, there is spurring competition between various android developing companies like, Google, Samsung, etc. The other telecommunication companies that are not as popular as the formerly mentioned brands are also inventing tablets that match the current technological demands of people. Although, there is no comparison of Apple’s Ipad, which has been dominating the markets since 2010, but now the diversified features of an android has made many people more impressed, compelling them to purchase it. Below are some high-quality and high-tech tablets that have gained quit a lot of buzz during the year 2012.

Panasonic Toughpad A1: The ‘Rugged’ Android Tablet 0

Panasonic Toughpad A1: The ‘Rugged’ Android Tablet

Panasonic has come out with its first Android tablet, the Panasonic Toughpad A1. It has a dual-core processor and has not disappointed to this point. The Toughpad B1 is set to release in the Fall of 2012, but it is just a smaller scale version of its predecessor. Both of these Toughpad devices are designed to handle demanding commercial and industrial environments. It is designed to protect against dust, water and shocks. The main goal of the Toughpad is durability.

Android Malware and More Corporate Concerns 1

Android Malware and More Corporate Concerns

More malware trouble ahead as the latest malware terrorizing the technology market is found to be clinging onto hacked websites in order to target mobile devices. As if android spy apps were not enough, this is another eye opening threat. Never before have websites been used to target mobile devices. The malware, Notcompatible, is a Trojan that goes specifically after Android smartphones and tablets. Trouble for android security is nothing new, people have been wondering how to deal with spy apps for Android and other Android spyware for a while now.

Three Ways To Get a Great Deal on a New Computer 0

Three Ways To Get a Great Deal on a New Computer

A new computer should be an exciting time for you. Gone is the messy, jumbled mess of wires you used to rely on and fresh out of the box is a pristine and wonderful gadget with features you don’t really need but will have tons of fun with. The power differential of a new computer compared to your old one is usually an impressive sight and tasks that used to be hard are suddenly a breeze.