Tagged: technology

Technological Innovations by Car Manufacturers 0

Technological Innovations by Car Manufacturers

There have been a lot of changes in the world of cars. In the beginning, everyone was amazed that there was such an invention that could travel without horses. Then there was the addition of radios, air conditioners, and we’re now to the point where the cars are able to park themselves with a simple click of our iPhone.

7 Unique Advantages of Being a Digital Nomad 0

7 Unique Advantages of Being a Digital Nomad

In times of widespread financial crisis, unexpected opportunities arise. For the increasing legions of entrepreneurs who make a living on-line, prosperity is no illusion. There is a new breed of entrepreneur, who skillfully threads new career avenues: the Digital Nomad.

Reasons to get a degree in the technology field 0

Reasons to get a degree in the technology field

We now live in a world that is so dependent on technology. Wherever we go, we see various gadgets and equipment people use in their daily existence. As such, getting a degree in the field of technology is becoming a trend these days.

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Cancel out surrounding sound with Klipsch’s Mode Headphones

So you’ve gone out and spent all of your hard earned pennies on a new top of the range MP3 player able to hold more music than you will ever own in a life time. You’ve bought a brand new case for it to protect it from bumps and scraps and even invested in a fancy new plug in charger. But, did you buy a new pair of headphones?

Remote Working with VPNs and VoIP 0

Remote Working with VPNs and VoIP

Remote working is becoming increasingly common. The staff that are allowed to do it love it, because it gives them more freedom and allows them to work in comfort, and companies love it because it saves them office space, and improves morale.

Streamline your set with iDJ live 1

Streamline your set with iDJ live

streamline your set with IDJ liveThink for a moment and spare a thought for the poor DJ’s working before the invention of digital music, having to carry around hundreds of CD’s or records with them to every gig. Oh how things have changed. Now days with an MP3 player you can carry around an entire music collection in your pocket or even carry an entire music collection around on your phone if you wish. Never wanting to miss a trick companies have come up with countless gadgets and gizmos to take advantage of MP3 players. The latest company to do so is Numark with iDJ live.

Personal Finance Technology that Can Save Your Bank Account 0

Personal Finance Technology that Can Save Your Bank Account

Is there anything more thrilling than planning a budget and balancing your checkbook? Yes, a lot of things, actually. Who even carries around a checkbook anymore? The unfortunate truth is, however, that managing your banks accounts may be boring, but still imperative if you want to live a financially stress-free life. After all, wouldn’t you be a much happier person if you never paid another overdraft fee?

Microsoft envisions the future of 2019 0

Microsoft envisions the future of 2019

Seems like Mcirosoft is on big plans to get more sturdy,intuitive and beautiful. A video released by Microsoft’s, Business division shows some groundbreaking technology that many of us may not even have thought of.

Obama upto appointing Chief Technology Officer 2

Obama upto appointing Chief Technology Officer

Barack Obama, the newly elected US president plans to create a new governmental official post of a Chief Technology Oficer(CTO), foreseeing the possibilities of advancements in Technology in near future.