Tagged: URL

Use Wikipedia’s simple English version for concise version of articles

Use Wikipedia’s simple English version for concise version of articles

Wikipedia gives a good insight into all sorts of topics with the most upto date information. But there are times when you don’t need to dig deep into the details and just want to skim read. If you want quick and short overview of a topic, you can use Wikipedia’s Simple English version for the original page where to have brief information on the topic.

Some tools to check the position of a site on Search Engines

Some tools to check the position of a site on Search Engines

A webmaster is always concerned about the ranking of his site for the chosen keywords and the traffic driven to the site. Checking the SERP rankings of any website for a particular keyword is pretty much easy and straightforward as, a webmaster can wear the shoes of a normal netizen and search for his chosen keyword. Then comes the task of locating his site on the SERPs. If the site appears on the first page or even the second, it wouldn’t be much of a difficult job. But imagine if your website is just budding and lags far behind in the search rankings. In such a case, doing a manual check over all the results ranging to the 10thm, 20th or God knows how many pages could be very tedious. To assist you in such cases, there are lots of tools that show the position of your website on the search engines in a snap. Here are some of the tools for checking a website’s position on search engines.

Best 5 tools to Share multiple links with one short URL

There are times when one needs to share more than one URL with his friends and in such cases, he needs to add all those URLs as well. In microblogging sites like Twitter where the character limit is not more than 140 characters, sharing multiple URLs with individual links takes up the space that you could otherwise use for writing about the link. You can shorten all of the URLs in a go and share them with a single short URL. Here are some online tools that let you shorten and share multiple links with a single Short URL.

Learn everything new from Google via Google New

Google being the Technology Giant it is, keeps launching lots of new services now and then and keeps adding new features to the already existing ones. But unless you keep regular tabs on the major blogs by Google, you won’t know what Google came up with recently. Even the technology blogs do not cover everything new by Google. Google new is a page on the Google’s website that lists all the new services by Google.

URL Shortening bookmarklets for your browser

URL Shortening bookmarklets for your browser

URL shorteners came along to help you trim the URLs to something short. There are lots of URL shorteners that help you shrink a URL to make it easy for you to share, or use in print. But copying a URL, heading over to the URL shortener website, shortening it and then grabbing the shrunken URL is a bit longer process if you really love shortcuts. In such cases, browser bookmarklets for URL shortening can be helpful. You can save the bookmarklet to your browser and shorten a URL with the click of a button. Here’s a list of some of the URL shortening bookmarklets from different services. To save them to your browser, just drag the javascript bookmarklet links to your browser’s bookmark bar.

Understanding a Google query URL

Understanding a Google query URL

Google gives a lot more options for filtering your search results. Like if you want to look for the definition or meaning of a certain word, you need not go to dictionary.com and search for the word. You can get your meaning with the query, “define:word” in Google. Or you can find all the pages in a site with the query, “site:yoursite.com”. You can also get desired results by modifying the Google Query URL that it returns after a query.

Get alerts for Specific phrases

Get alerts for Specific phrases

Suppose that the author of your favorite blog had promised to write about a topic of your interest but he hasn’t been writing any new posts from many weeks. You can’t go on checking his website everyday. But SparkTooth can monitor any web page for a certain keyword and then notify you as soon as it is available on the website.

Troy’s Twitter Script-A great greasemonkey script for Twitter

The interface of Twitter’s homepage http://twitter.com is not that sophisticated for power twitterers. There are no dedicated buttons for retweeting, no options for uploading a photo and posting its link and so on. Due to this, many people prefer using other third party clients which provide a plethora of useful features. Desktop clients like Tweetkdeck, Twhirl, browser plugins like Power Twitter for Mozilla Firefox, etc. are a lot more preferable. Well you can also have a lot of powerful options with a script called Troy’s Twitter Script.

Taking screenshots of websites with WebShot

Some of us have practices of saving website screenshots for comparisons or references. What we do generally is Press the Print Screen button on the keyboard, paste it on image editing applications like Photoshop and then save it. Well this will be a kind of fun if you need to screenshot just a few webpages. But what if you want to have screenshots of a whole bunch of sites for some reason? It will take a lot of time. But don’t you worry, WebShots will let you take screenshots of websites with much ease and all you’ll have to do is enter the webpage URL that you want to capture. You can download WebShots here.

Google explains the latest Google malware glitch

Google explains the latest Google malware glitch

On 31st January 2009, Google Search had shown a serious error where it added “This site may harm your computer” to every search result. This Google Malware lasted for about 15 minutes. Google has given a clarification for that.

Google changed its favicon

Google has come up with new logo, precisely the favicon. Many of you must have noticed that the blue “g” sign that used to appear on your address bar (which is the Google’s favicon) just before the URL of Google, has been replaced by a motley favicon with a white “g” in the foreground and the colors blue green yellow and red as the background. Most of the Google services now have the same favicon.

Firefox Mobile Browser – Fennec

Mozilla, has released the alpha version of Firefox mobile web browser, codenamed Fennec. But at present, it is only available for Nokia 810 and Nokia 800 mobile phones. Mozilla is currently using these internet tablets as a platform for testing their browser publicly. Fennec Mobile browser is also available for desktop computers running on Windows, Mac or Linux. Most of the people probably do not own Nokia 810 or Nokia 800 Internet Tablet, so they can have a taste of this browser, right on their desktop.