Tagged: Youtube

Social Media Marketing Via Youtube

Social Media Marketing Via Youtube

The internet has truly changed the way people live. Through the internet, people can browse and at the same time give information, send mail, share and upload pictures and videos in a matter of seconds. With the advent of social media, web- and mobile-based technologies can turn communication into interactive discussion among organizations, communities, and individuals.

The Rise of Social Video

The Rise of Social Video

YouTube has long been the king of online video content and the social networks have worked hard to ensure that they integrate seamlessly with it. Apple even made it a standard feature of its iPhone so any video can be uploaded easily. Some however, find the process slow and tedious and coupled with the fact you can only message a friend the link once uploaded makes sharing it a long process.

A Guide to Free Electronics & Gadget Giveaways Online

A Guide to Free Electronics & Gadget Giveaways Online

Believe it or not there are plenty of ways to get free electronics all over the internet. There are also several ways to tell the real offers from the fake and scam offers. Some of the most valuable tools are social networking sites like YouTube, Twitter and Facebook as they can help you tell with a little inspection. Knowing what offers are legitimate takes a little bit of research and a lot of common sense, but there is no reason the average savvy internet user cannot walk away with an iPad, iPhone or laptop after all is said and done.

Video embedding and link previews in Facebook comments

Video embedding and link previews in Facebook comments
We all are familiar with how one can tag a friend on a Facebook comment, i.e. by using the @ symbol and typing the name of the friend. But Facebook has recently introduced a new feature that automatically embeds flash videos from external link and/or show preview of the link shared in comments.

How to extract MP3 from Youtube videos

How to extract MP3 from Youtube videos

What if you just want the audio for the song of your favorite artist to play on your MP3 player? You might say that you’d download the video and then convert them to MP3 using MP3 converters. But there’s an even easier way to download MP3s from Youtube videos. You can extract MP3s from Youtube videos using a new tool by Keepvid.com.

Youtube’s Cosmic Panda Interface

Youtube has come up with a new experimental redesign that is code named Cosmic Panda. This interface is a whole lot different from the current interface. It looks sleek, clutter free and cleaner. The new Cosmic Panda interface Is elegant and pleasing to the eye.

WP7 video made by a Windows Phone 7 fanboy

WP7 video made by a Windows Phone 7 fanboy

A fan, Brandon Foy has made a promotional video for Windows Phone 7 that has already received over 60 thousand views on Youtube. Entitled “We Love Windows Phone”, this video shows a multitude of features in a span of 2 minutes.

AC/DC’s “Rock and Roll Train” – World’s first Music video created in Excel

AC/DC’s “Rock and Roll Train” – World’s first Music video created in Excel

What do you use Excel for; creating spreadsheets, graphs, charts and all? Microsoft Excel is used by people in various ways. But can you imagine a video created in Microsoft Excel? The video for the song “Rock and Roll Train” by the legendary Rock Band AC/DC was created entirely in Microsoft Excel.

Youtube Time Machine- back to the past

Youtube Time Machine- back to the past

Ever wondered about time travelling, and time machine? This won’t take you back to the past but you’’ll get to see videos from the olden days. Youtube Time Travel(YTTM) helps you cherish your memories of the past. Youtube Time Machine(YTTM) randomly lets you see the videos from the past.

Internet Explorer 9 Leaked Video

Internet Explorer 9 Leaked Video

The video of the much anticipated Internet Explorer 9 is leaked on Youtube. The browser is scheduled to be released on 15 September 2010 at the Concourse Exhibition Center in San Francisco, California. In...

Download and save YouTube videos using Google chrome

YouTube these days doesn’t let you download videos via sites like javimoya.com or other such sites. But with this nifty trick, you can download and save YouTube videos right from Google Chrome. You’ll need to install IE tab plugin on Google Chrome.

How to download any embedded flash video from sites

Generally, we get to see videos from Youtube and Vimeo embedded in sites. But some blogs host videos on their own servers. Downloading videos from popular sites like Youtube, Vimeo, Metacafe is easy and many online tools are available for that. Keepvid, Javimoya, etc. let you download videos from most of the popular videos hosting and sharing websites. But the ones that aren’t available for download via these sites can be downloaded via internet explorer.

Wonder wheel now in Youtube too

The Wonder wheel that was introduced in Google about a month ago is now on Youtube as well. The wonder wheel in Google is really a very useful tool for diversifying search results and getting more insights to the related content.

Search options added in Google Video Search

Search options added in Google Video Search

Google Video search has added some advanced search options making it more easier to find videos. You must have noticed one of the latest features in Google Search, the “Show Options”. A similar “show options” can be found in Google video search too. You just do a search and you’ll see the “search options” at the top of the page.

Google Chrome out for Mac and Linux too

Google Chrome out for Mac and Linux too

Google Chrome, the browser that is gaining much popularity today has built temptation for Linux and Mac users regarding the launch of Chrome for these platforms. Well now Linux and Mac users will be able to use Chrome, or to say a crash prone version of Chrome.

Google to display more relevant Adsense ads

Google has taken a huge step ahead on targeting the Google Adsense ads. Google has announced that now onwards, the ads will not just be relevant to the content of the website on which it is present but also related to the type of content that people love to see on the internet. Google has launched this “interest-based” advertising as a beta test on its partner sites and Youtube.