Tech Tips for Managing Money
If you need help in managing your money or credit cards, there are many different avenues that you can take. If you like technology, you can use your iPhone or other smart phone device to help you manage money.There are many different free and low-cost apps to help you Manage your Money and credit cards from your iPhone and other devices. These apps are easy to download and can be downloaded from the iTunes App Store for your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch.
Apps to Help You Manage Money
The iPhone app is completely free and can be found in the iTunes App Store. This app automatically enters your transactions and updates your balance. It also sends an alert to your phone if your account balance is low, if you are over your budget, or if you have unusual spending activity.
The Moneystrands iPhone app shows you your current account balance and the transactions you have made and also can alert you if your balance is low. You can use this app to set up a budget, to which you can add or delete items, or to track individual account updates.
SplashMoney is an app for the iPhone or other device that costs approximately $4.99. It includes many money management features and allows you to connect wirelessly to your online bank account using secure encryption.
PageOnce Personal Assistant is a free app that you can download from the iTunes App Store for your iPhone or other device. You can use PageOnce to access your cell phone minutes, manage online shopping accounts and view your frequent flier rewards. You can pay $.99 to view PageOnce ad-free.
PocketMoney is an app for the iPhone or other device that you can download from the iTunes App Store for $1.99. You can use PocketMoney to track accounts, set up budgets and spending analysis. You can also use it to back up and export financial data. It supports auto-complete for transactions and has the ability to export data to many different desktop financial software applications, such as Quicken or Money.
The PayPalApp is available for the iPhone or other device from the iTunes App Store. You can use this app to send money with your device from your PayPal account to anyone who is on your contact list. This app, which is completely free, also includes a history of your transactions.
Note that there is also an app in the App Store called PayPal Mobile, which is different from the PayPalApp.
Browse through these different apps that are available to help you manage your money and credit cards to see which is right for you. There is an app for everyone’s circumstances and it has never been easier to manage money well.