The biggest competitors: Android and Apple

As Google and Apple continue to add some spice to their never-ending tugs of war, the ever-consuming question certainly arises. Who outweighs in terms of their respective operating systems? More importantly, who has managed to surpass the other through better technology, advanced features and an overall enhanced user experience via tablets and smartphones churned out from their quarters? Although the battle between the iOS and Android always has something up in its sleeves, users generally seem puzzled about which one to sift out. Since there are pros and cons to both operating system models, we have decided to plunge into an inclusive overview of who performs better and which one catches extra points. Take a look and make up your mind!

1. iOS is consistent

Apple has always been particular there. You may find Google Android’s consistency level as well but the former indeed knows how to enhance your overall experience through regular updates that generally work for all iOS devices.

2. A beautiful, intuitive user interface

Although the interface rendered by Android is pretty attractive, we find the iOS UI far better. Not only the interface catches attention for a beautiful layout, but also for the extended functionality which makes it so simple that even a young child will figure out how to get started with an i-device.

3. No Bloatware

Another significant aspect that steams up the situation is no Bloatware offered by Apple. A bit to dismay, Android phone owners generally have their devices integrated with several apps that unfortunately can’t be taken away. On the other hand, Apple devices come just with the iOS and nothing else – which literally enables you to stay away from installing silly applications. Also, the iOS renders enhanced battery life and tethered syncing with the iTunes for an experience that indeed cannot be placed on a comparison scale with any other operating system available on the market.

4. Better support

Apple users will definitely agree here. The Apple Store as well as Apple tech support offer complete support with your broken iOS device. On the contrary, Android fails to do that.

5: AirPlay

While there are several alternatives available to the Apple AirPlay, none of them manages to function so smoothly and elegantly. Apple users who have multiple devices can seamlessly indulge in its awesome two-tap video playback. However, there’s nothing like this for Android-powered devices.

6. iTunes Media Store

We agree that Android gets you entertained through its amazing Amazon Store but Apple still offers a better and larger library of entertainment. Certainly, the entire process of purchasing an app from over 300,000 apps in a quick snap and syncing it to your device is extremely simple and far better than any other store on the market.


Although Google’s Android operating system is a reliable one, there’s no denying that iOS is peerless. Feature-loaded with an intuitive, winsome user interface, the Apple iOS has quite a lot established a niche that not even Android can displace.

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