Tips and tricks on how to design and print a flyer
A part of the process is creating flyers. The reason for using flyers is to pay the attention of the target audience to the occasion. A good design will win attention and evoke the desire to visit the event.
It’s not so easy to create a catching design of a flyer. You should indicate the name of the occasion, the date, the time and the place. By the way the design should be well-prepared. The flyer should evoke a great interest and represent the style and manner of the future occasion. The general impression should be positive.
Here are some tips how to design a flyer:
- Do not add unnecessary details;
- Use one single font for the flyer;
- Use flyer template word to save your precious time;
- Use visuals only if you are sure they will win attention;
- Analyze the flyers of your competitors and use the best solutions.
Great ideas for the flyer design
We will share some ideas that can be successfully used for promoting your future event.
A story. You can make a story and illustrate it with the help of pictures or photos. Make sure the story and the event have something in common. You can include some facts from the future event into the story. You can write it on your own or order it.
A map. You can draw a map on one side of the flyer with highlighting the place where the event will be held. You can organize a kind of a quest where the guests will get gifts for reaching the final destination point on time.
A puzzle. You can ask your future guests to do the puzzle and if they find the answer, they will get a bonus or anything like this. It shouldn’t be too difficult, so no one will be afraid of it.
The value of the flyer
If you want people to save the flyer and remember about you, you should offer something valuable besides the information about the event. For example, you can print funny parts of the human or animal faces for taking selfies. And don’t forget to add a hashtag to it. You can organize a competition among such selfies.
The quality of print
The main attention should be paid to the quality of the paper and the print itself. If you organize an event and you want as many people come to it, your flyer should look convincing. If the colors are too saturated or there’s some noise in the photos, you are likely to fail. You should always order test prints in advance to have time for the correction.