Some Tips for Surfing the Web in the Office

Recent reports have shown that the average company employee spends approximately 1 hour and fifteen minutes surfing the internet every day. While some managers don’t mind their workers spending some time for themselves, others do not take it as kindly. This article will give you some tips so that you can keep the boss happy while keeping yourself and your job safe.

1. Check Out The Rules Companies often have policies about how much time their employees can spend surfing the internet and what they can do online. By asking to read their policy ahead of time, you can know what is and isn’t expected of you.

2. Beware Of The Social World You’ve probably heard that companies and businesses like to check out your MySpace, Facebook, and Twitter accounts before they hire you. What you don’t know is that they continue to keep tabs on them, even after you have the job. It would definitely be in your best interest not to say anything bad about your company, co-workers, and or boss! Also, you should avoid updating your status or commenting on your friends’ pictures during work hours – they will be able to tell when it was sent.

3. Stay Clear Of Blocked Sites Some companies choose to block websites, especially those like YouTube and MySpace, so that employees can’t access them. Often these blocks come with a tracking device which records which computer is trying to access the site and how many times they try. If you find that a site you want to visit is blocked, just wait until you get home to look at it. Repeat attempts may result in a surprise visit from the boss.

4. Watch Your Words You never know who is keeping track of your at work activity, so don’t say anything you wouldn’t want to say in front of your employer or boss. This not only includes social networking sites, but also emails.

5. Stay Away from Controversial Sites Wait until you’re home to surf the web for controversial topics such as politics or religion. Never look at sites which would be considered a slap at someone’s beliefs, gender, or race.

6. Don’t Give Out Your Email Many companies track your business email, so be careful who you give it out to. For the few friends and family that you do feel deserve the address, tell them not to send you multiple emails or countless forwards.

7. Don’t Think That You’re Ever Completely Safe You empty your recycling bin, you delete unsavory files, and you wipe your browsing history clean – just because you take all these steps, it doesn’t mean that what you’ve done throughout the day is actually gone. Technology has provided the world with ways to track and save information. The best way to stay out of trouble is simple: Don’t do anything that would get you into trouble!

8. Remember You Are At Work You’re at work; you’re getting paid to work, not to have fun on the internet. Find out how much time you are allowed to spend online and don’t go over it. An employee that keeps to the company policy is more likely to go far than someone who spends six hours a day playing online checkers. In the end, the job is much more important.

This is a guest post by John. Involved with a site called, John’s main task at work is to keep a lookout for cheap office furniture.

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