An all in one Chrome extension for Google+

With the introduction of Google+ in the social networking scenario, a lot of browser addons and extensions have already been developed. Extensions for having Google+ notifications, quick view etc. are already available for Google Chrome. If you are a power user, you must be seeking something that makes using Google Plus on Google Chrome an extravagant experience. GTools+ is an extension that may be the perfect tool for Google Plus you’re looking for.

With GTools+, users can have a unified Google bar i.e. all your personalized menus appear on all the Google services. GTools+ lets you make the Google+ bar appear always at the top while scrolling on Google Plus.

GTools+ offers a lot of other features as well. You can prevent opening a link in the Google+ bar on another tab or another window. Besides that, you can also change the color of the notification bubble on the Google Bar or change the position of chat on Google+. You can also add a translation link in the right click menu that will translate any update in another language to your language. Besides that, it also lets you have notifications for Gmail and Google Reader right in the Google Bar.

GTools+ can be very handy for users who want to use Google Plus more efficiently.

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