Top 10 Windows Phone apps
Microsoft tried to break in to the smartphone market with Windows Phone when Android and iPhone were sitting on top and all the other smartphone platforms were dropping around them like flies. Even with positive reviews Windows Phone was having a hard time getting the attention of smartphone users. But a curious thing happening in the smartphone space at this year’s CES. Nokia Lumia 900 ended up being the most talked-about phones at the show. Yeah, that’s right a Windows Phone and with the marketing push of Nokia , Windows Phone is getting noticed by consumers .
So with a growing user base we though it’s time to get our take on the top 10 windows phone apps that we think you guys will enjoy on your new Windows Phone.
1) Skype ( Free )
I am assuming no one needs an introduction to Skype. Imagine talking to friends and family anywhere in the world for free. With Skype you can make and receive voice/video calls and instant messages to anyone else using Skype, whether on a Windows Phone, iPhone, iPad, Android phone, Mac, PC or television. With Skype Credit you can also call fixedline or mobile number for dirt cheap rates
2) Mehdoh ( Free )
Love twitter ? Even though Windows Phone integrates twitter timeline in to the core experience of the phone, there are a few limitations like no DM support which is overcome by use of 3rd party apps like Mehdoh which is beautiful and feature rich twitter client.
3) 1800PocketPC ( Free )
Want to keep on top of Windows Phone News , see what are the top homebrew apps released for Windows Phone or check out the reviews of hot new games for the platform ? The 1800PocketPc app has got you covered. If you love wallpapers don’t forget to check out the wallpaper section in the app.
4) Facebook ( Free )
Just like twitter the core Facebook experience built in to windows phone does leave some features to be desired which is plugged by the official Facebook app. Facebook for Windows Phone makes it easy to stay connected and share information with friends. You can post status updates, receive Live Tile updates, check your news feed, review upcoming events, check in to places, manage your inbox, upload photos, publish notes, accept friend requests, pin Places and Messages as Tiles, and look at your friends’ photos, walls and info.
5) Kik Messenger ( Free )
Kik Messenger is the freecross-platform messenger app that let you chat, share pictures and stay connected to the people who matter most to you just like WhatsApp( which is available here ). Kik Messenger uses your 3G or WiFi to message with friends and family thus saving you a lot on local and international SMS the only catch the other party has to have the app installed as well, with the app readily available on all major platforms that is not much of an issue these days.
6) Cocktail Flow ( $2.99 )
Easily one of the best looking apps on just about any smartphone, this suave app gives you access to many set of cocktails ( non-alcoholic as well ) and is often updated with themed party packs like x’mas cocktails , valentine’s days pack, etc. The application features beautifully presented recipes and identifies cocktails that can be made from ingredients in your bar. It also gives suggestions on what ingredients to buy next to make additional delicious cocktails.
7) SoundHound ( Free )
Ever wondered what is the name of that song playing on the radio or TV ?Ofcourse you have thanks to SoundHound you can you can identify original music or a hum search with the touch of a button. SoundHound is instant music discovery in the palm of your hands.
8) Xbox Companion ( Free )
One of the perks on Windows Phone is xBox live on the go , you get games with achievements which adds to your gamer score and then there is the Xbox Companion app that allows you to learn more details about the movie, TV show, music or game that is playing on your console. You can also get friend activity (friends online, friends with beacons, friends who have recently played), achievements and related items. You’ll also be able to select a search result, and launch a movie, TV show, game or app on the connected console as well as play, pause, ffwd, rewind the playing video or music on the connected Xbox,initiate media purchase and navigate your Xbox console with Windows Phone using the Xbox Companion.
( NOTE : the iOS and Android version of Xbox Companion is feature limited when compared with the Windows Phone version )
9) Youtube Pro ( Free )
YouTube Pro is a 3rd party app that enables you to play YouTube videos in HQ and HD over 3G or WiFi and this app also lets you download the videos to your phone, so you can watch it later even when you have no active internet connection.
10) Flashlight-X ( Free )
Turn your Windows Phone in to a flashlight with his nifty little app. It works on most Windows Phone , the exception are the ones with XENON flash ( like the HTC Mozart ). Running the app switches on the camera LED flash and turns your phone to a flashlight.
What do you guys think of these apps ? Did we miss any , let us know via the comments .