Top 5 iPad Photo Apps
Here’s the list of top 5 photo apps for ipad.
Although obviously not as in-depth as your desktop version of Photoshop, this fantastic app allows quick application of preset filters, effects and borders to photos in your iPad library. There are also handy options to adjust exposure, saturation and tint, Access to an online forum is available through the App, for sharing and comparing of editing lips. There are many apps similar to this, but none as comprehensive as the Adobe version, and not many for free. And, hey, since when does Adobe give anything away?
- Nikon Learn And Explore
Nikon has released this app not for iPad, but for iPod touch and iPhone, so once you give it the 2x blow-up treatment on iPad, the display quality is not what it could be. Having said that, it offers one of the best collections of photography guides around, aimed at beginners to D-SLR photography Nikon has designed image catalogues, shooting guides, and even a glossary of photographic terms to tie in with the Nikon School (the company’s equivalent to Canon’s well-established World of EOS). Some reviewers in the App Store have gone so far as to call it their ‘Nikon Bible’.
- Guardian Eyewitness
This app is a Canon contribution to the world of iPad, aiming to inspire users with images from the British The Guardian newspaper. Not only are the images linked to their relevant news story, each has its own ‘Pro Tip’, a short note about how the photographer captured the image, or a technique used to enhance the scene. All the photos are in stunningly high quality, and yon can even zoom in and out using the Apple pinch and zoom gestures — a function still being incorporated into many older apps.
- Frame X Frame
This is one of those apps which make you wonder. ‘Now why didn’t I think of that before?’ Released by Joby, the makers of the Gorilla Pod, this app includes simple features for the iPad’s built in cameras that we take for granted on our point-and-shoots or D-SLRs — self-timer, time lapse and grid overlay. There’s also an antishake function, three-shot burst and a bubble level for complete accuracy. Joby has also added a stop-motion setting, which lets you choose the number of shots, the frame rate and interval of the shots, the app then throwing them together into a stop-motion video. The only downside is Joby has yet to release a full iPad version, so graphics are again a little down.
- Auto Adjust
Open a picture in this App, and Auto Adjust automatically identities under-or over-exposure, then adjusts to what it judges as ‘correct’, from there. Auto Adjust lets you control highlights, midtones and shadows, as well as the temperature and saturation of the image. We particularly like how extremely user-friendly it is, designed so that you can sec all of the image you are editing, as well as easily control the settings — on either iPhone or iPad, The app doesn’t compromise the quality of the image either, though it starts to struggle at the 10MP mark.