Touristlink helps you find destinations to visit on your vacation
How often do you travel to get away from your daily monotonous life to somewhere peaceful and tranquil? Many of you consult your friends or family for a place to go. But still, you would want to know more and find the best and most suitable place to travel. If you are looking for a destination to visit inside or outside your country, Touristlink can be of much help to you.
Touristlink helps you get connected with the locals from travel guides to homestays. It is much like a dedicated social network for travellers. You can start by signing up for Touristlink through Facebook or through the site directly. Once you’ve signed up, you can start looking for new places to visit using the search bar at the top. You can start by searching for a country or a city or simply a popular tourist spot. For eg., if you search for Nepal, you will be greeted with a list of places and cities relevant to Nepal, such as Nepal itself at the top, Kathmandu, Mount Everest etc. Click on Nepal and you will land a page where all cities and destinations in Nepal are showcased. What’s cool is that, in the country page for Nepal, you can also filter tourist destinations by category such as Towns and Villages, Temples, Cities, Education, etc. You can also filter by places to Eat, Shopping Nightlife, Recreation, Events etc. The website also provides information on the best places to visit and top attractions in any city based on the rankings and reviews by the members on the site.
If you aren’t sure which country you want to visit next, you will be suggested with a list of places that are popular on the website. For example, you can see the top list to find out the places that have been most popular recently on the website. Or you can also find suggestions from the top Album section that shows you which parts of the world were most photographed.
Touristlink isn’t just about finding new places to visit and getting recommended by others. It is a great places to look for tour guides and travel agencies around the world. For example, if you want to book a day tour for Paris, you can find a number of travel agents who provide the service. You can then pick the one that suits best for you. Don’t worry, the website screens each travel experts and guides before letting them into their system. Touristlink also check thoroughly on the services offered by each travel agent, prices etc.
If you are looking for a places to visit in your vacation but aren’t sure where to go look for it, Touristlink can be a very good place to start and find a place to visit.