Some Twitter text commands that might interest you
Twitter, the microblogging platform which has now become a major appendage of the web is used by us everyday. You use Twitter for posting your updates and short messages for your followers to read. But have you ever tried out some of the interesting text commands in Twitter that make your work easier than ever?
Like many Google services’ shortcuts, Twitter has some very useful predefined text shortcuts that you can use for doing stuff like following a friend, marking his updates as your favorites, send private message to him etc. These are nothing but some specific texts that you enter right inside the text input box. You first need to enter the command or say the text shortcut and then enter the specific parameter. All of these won’t be published as your updates but they evoke a pop-up which will show you the desired information. Here are some of these commands that will help you.
@username: “@”+username followed by a message is a useful text shortcut for Twitter that will send a reply to the user’s tweet. For example: @Richard But how can you get it done? will send a reply to Richard with the message: But how can you get it done?
D username: “d”+username+message will send a direct message to the user. You can use this Twitter command like this: d Harry call me today at 5.
This will send a direct message to Harry asking him to call at 5.
whois: To view the short profile information of a user, you don’t need to open up his page and then see his profile. “whois + username” will show the short profile of the user which will pop-up at the top of the page. For example: you can view my profile typing, whois Skydweller.
follow: You can follow a certain user using this Twitter text shortcut. You can follow a username by entering follow+username. To follow me enter follow Skydweller.
leave: To stop following a person type leave+username. For example, you can quit following you boring friend Fatty by entering this: leave Fatty.
fav: To mark a person’s latest tweet as a favorite, just type fav+username and you’ll be done. To mark your friend Richard’s latest Tweet as your favorite, just enter this: fav Richard.
stats: Well this Twitter command is of not much use because it shows off your basic stats like the number of people you are following and the number of people that are following you. You can get this information at a glance from your twitter’s user page. However to use this, just enter stats and you will be shown your current stats.
get: This Twitter shortcut will let you see the latest tweet of any user. Enter “get+username to see the latest tweet of the user. For example: get Mike, will show you the latest Tweet by Mike.
nudge: As the command suggests, this is used for sending a nudge to your friend. Send a nudge to Bishal by typing in nudge Bishal.
invite: Using this Twitter text command, you can invite your friends to join Twitter. You will need to enter the mobile number too. It will be like: invite+mobile number. For example: invite 0079039632551.
So, use these Twitter text shortcuts to have some more fun with Twitter.