Updating Facebook status via iPhone 5?

You must have noticed that Facebook shows the medium of any update below it. For example, if you update your status on Facebook using a Windows Phone 7, you will see via “Facebook for Windows Phone” just below it. Same is the case for iPhone or Android devices. You must have heard rumors of iPhone 5’s imminent release around September. But how about fooling your friends with status updates that look as if they have been updated via iPhone 5?

Via iPhone 5 is a fun app for Facebook. This is a pretty simple application for Facebook that lets you update status on Facebook and makes it appear as if it has been updated using iPhone 5. All you need to do is visit this link for “via iPhone 5” app on Facebook. After authorizing it, you’ll see a box for updating your status. Just type in anything and hit the “update status” button. Now go to your profile and you’ll see a “via iPhone 5” link just beneath the status.

This is nothing fancy, iPhone 5 is just a tiny Facebook app that lets you update status and make it look as if it was updated via iPhone 5.

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