Use Wikipedia’s simple English version for concise version of articles

You’ll see search results from Wikipedia on the first page of search engines basically for most of the things you search for. Wikipedia gives a good insight into all sorts of topics with the most upto date information. But there are times when you don’t need to dig deep into the details and just want to skim read. If you want quick and short overview of a topic, you can use Wikipedia’s Simple English version for the original page where to have brief information on the topic.

You’ll see Simple English in the list of languages on the left Sidebar in Wikipedia. Open any article and click on Simple English from the languages menu. This will open up a Wikipedia page with a concise information on the topic. Alternately, you can also have the simple English version by modifying the URL for the page a bit. For example, for the simple English version of the Wikipedia article for Theory of Relativity (, you can replace the language code “en” in the URL with “simple”. So, the URL for the simple English version the Theory of Relativity will be Simple English version is thus the short version of any original article on Wikipedia.

Simple English version for any article on Wikipedia is handy if you want to have very concise information on a topic.

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