Use your tweet as your email signature
Generally, you add your name with a link to your website on your email signatures. Same is the case for signatures in forum posts. There can be better ways of adding signatures besides just your name or website. Twitfooter is a website that lets you add your latest tweet to your signature in email, forums cor websites.
The service is simple to use; you just need to login to your Twitter account and authorize the application. Once you authorize the application, you get the code to embed your tweets on your signature. There are lots of applications that let you embed your latest tweets on websites or your email signature but Twitfooter has something more to offer. You can not only embed your latest tweet as signature but can also choose to embed your Random Tweet or just your Twitter Bio.
Twitfooter also has a tracking system. You can see the number of clicks on your Twitter Signature card inside your Twitfooter member’s area.