Using GPS Devices in Every Day Life

For many, technology is something they despise purely because they can’t get certain things to work how they think it should.  For others, it is essential in every day life and allows them to do far more than they ever thought was possible.

In recent years, technology has developed to such an extent that if you were to travel back in time by twenty years, you’d wonder how such an idea even came about. It is truly astonishing. Smartphones are everywhere, allowing people to make calls, send messages, write emails and ‘like’ that funny picture a friend posted on Facebook wherever they may be. Tablet computers are also becoming increasingly common and gadgets are even starting to take over the motoring industry.

It used to be expensive stereos with speakers all over the vehicle, now it’s a lot more gadget-based with handsfree phone calls, iPod connectivity and televisions built into the centre console. However, GPS is proving to be the must have, with tracking devices and navigation systems the two most popular forms. But what is our obsession with global positioning systems?

The majority of sales has related to satellite navigation, with all kinds of people investing in these little screens which direct us to our destinations. In the past it’s been a case of pulling over to the side of the road to try and establish where you are and how to get to where you’re going. Now, thanks to satellites pinpointing exactly where we are, we can be given vocal instructions as we drive. This has been particularly popular with couriers, professional drivers such as truckers and the good old man with a van, and people who commute to work by car, or even motorcycle.

The tracking systems are proving to be almost as popular as drivers slowly become aware of what it is they can offer. As an ordinary car owner, you can fit the device and it is activated should your car ever be stolen. In this instance the police are alerted and you are sent a text message or email, the options vary with each device, and the police can track down the thief and – hopefully – recover your car.

Based on a similar theme, insurance companies are offering drivers incentives to invest in GPS trackers, offering significant discounts on annual premiums because there is more chance of the vehicle being recovered and less chance of a monumental insurance payout!

Fleet owners are also fitting both satellite navigation and tracking devices to their vehicles. The navigational skills of the devices can help drivers to negotiate road closures and delays, also making a journey to a new destination much simpler; while the tracking devices can help the office to keep tabs on their drivers, establishing where they are and how long it will take to complete their run.

Other uses for GPS include on bicycles, allowing the recreational rider to get out and about and explore the great outdoors without the perils of getting lost, while walkers can also take advantage of the positioning systems when out in the hills and valleys taking in the scenery on foot.

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