Using Quizzes to Grow Your Email List
If you think you’re ever going to get something of value for nothing, you’re woefully underinformed about the way the world works. Whether you’re trying to determine how to sell ebooks on your own website, slot cars, chicken coops or automated toilet bowls, if you’re trying to build an organic list to which you can market, you’re going to have to barter with people for their email addresses. The good news is you can leverage the human mind’s natural curiosity and competitive nature to get this done.
It’s as simple as using quizzes to grow your email list.
Quizzes Attract Your Ideal Customer
In addition to the attributes noted above, quizzes can help you qualify the leads they generate. All you have to do is create a quiz specific to the interests of your ideal customer. This will attract that person automatically. For example, if you know your ideal customer enjoys reading mystery novels by Walter Mosley, you can design a quiz to test their knowledge of the writer, his characters and the plots of his most notable stories.
Quizzes are Readily Shared
When your customer does well on the quiz, they’re going to crow about it on social media. This is practically guaranteed. Another trait of human nature is the desire to show others how smart we are. Even better, studies have found 96 percent of people who take online quizzes finish them. Think about the prospects of having so many people share your lead magnet—of their own volition.
Quizzes Position You to Better Serve Your Customers
Again, if you’re thinking about how to sell ebooks on your own website, the more you know about your ideal customer, the more you can personalize your communications with them. Further, the better your chances of presenting them with a proposition they’ll receive favorably.
All you have to do is design your questions so that your answers garner insights into their personalities and preferences. You then analyze the results to see who got what answers.
The Quid Pro Quo
When users complete the quiz, you can place a lead gathering device between them and their results. They invested their time into taking the quiz, so of course they’re going to want to know how they did on it. You can make providing their names and email addresses a condition of getting the results.
“To find out how you did, enter your email address, along with your first and last name.”
Here, it’s important to be honest with people about why you’re requesting this information. Let people know the information they provide will be used to offer products specific to their individual interests. You should also link to your privacy policy so they can make an informed decision.
Give Customers a Choice
Some experts say forcing people to provide contact information to get the result of a quiz is a dirty move. If you concur, you can always give people the option of skipping that step and getting their results just the same.
Truth be told, this approach does improve the quality of the leads you’ll get. After all, coerced individuals could harbor resentment, which could lead them to delete your subsequent promotions without opening them.
With that said, using quizzes to grow your email list remains a smart tactic. You’ll entertain your audience while learning more about them. You’ll set yourself up to communicate with them on a more personal basis and, they’ll share your lead generation effort with others on your behalf.