What HR software can do for you
The modern organisation probably makes use of all of the latest advancements in technology: cloud computing, video conferencing, instant messaging, smartphones; the list goes on and on.Every one of these gadgets contributes toward increased productivity, efficiency, employee engagement and ultimately, hopefully, increased profits.
How many of these super-modern, technology-embracing enterprises have adopted the same attitude toward people-focused software? Unfortunately, many of these employers fail to invest in their people, favouring instead to persist with antiquated, inconsistent and manual procedures.
This is utter madness when there is so much convenient HR software available, which could regulate all people processes and help create competitive edge.
For example, learning management software (LMS) can offer all staff, no matter which level or location, the opportunity to take training courses at their desks, over a duration that suits them. It also allows regulated organisations to make sure every member of staff has completed necessary courses, issuing automatic reminders to line managers and producing certificates for those who have completed them.
The there is talent management software, which can oversee the entire performance management process, fairly, by standardizing reviews and appraisals. Forget inputting manual data, this system enables the issuing of consistent goals and objectives, all of which have filtered down from the group’s overall strategy, aligning aims or every departmental level.
Following that is compensation software, which not only could include a comprehensive payroll and benefits element, but assists those involved in the annual pay review process to better consider individual performance against company-wide targets to determine any uplift. This feeds through to a central system that updates existing employee records. No manual processes here, thank you.
Recruitment causes many headaches, but a software package can take the pain away, allowing applicants to apply directly via the internet. Invitations for interview and rejections can be quickly sent via email, contracts can be issued at the touch of a button. The information on the recruitment module can them filter through to create a permanent record.
Lastly, there is software that frees up managers’ time, the self-service software that allows employees themselves to book holiday, check payslips and benefits information, all of which might currently be requested of HR, Payroll or line managers.
That which is mentioned above merely scratches the surface, however, any company that wishes to grow and prosper ought perhaps to consider some sort of HR software before ordering the next round of smartphones. It’ll last longer.