Why Opt For Cloud-Based EPoS Software For Your Business?
More and more retailers are choosing cloud-based EPoS software for their checkouts. Cloud-based basically means that data is shared through the internet. The software can host all of your stock levels, pay-roll information and transaction data online, updating your local computers regularly throughout the day or as often as you specify.
The first obvious benefit of using a cloud-based software option is that should something bad happen and your local computer break, there is always an online back-up. This removes the hassle of having to back-up your data manually each day and reduces the risk of damage to both the local computer and the back-up. Most cloud-based software vendors will use companies that have their servers in bomb-proof locations so that you can rest assured that your information will be safe from damage.
In addition, the legal requirements for storing customer, company and employee data online are becoming even more stricter which means that once these standards have been met, there is very little risk of your information being hacked or in danger of attack. This is a great USP to offer your customers, especially those buying online.
You might ask, “what happens when something goes wrong with my internet connection?”. Because the online software regularly updates your locally based software, you will always have access to a recent version of your data. This means that your store can continue to make sales and as soon as the internet connection has been re-established, your company data will be updated.
One of the main advantages for retailers using cloud based EPoS software is that if you expand your company to new locations, or simply add new checkouts it is far simpler. Any new till point, hand-held device or other EPoS equipment can be easily plugged into an internet connection and they will instantly be able to access the information they need to run. This also provides a brilliant opportunity for trading in other locations. For example you could easily transport your EPoS hand-held devices to festivals, exhibitions or other events. This allows you to make sales to a captive audience without needing to point them in the direction of your website, where many people might choose not to purchase later.
Finally, a cloud-based EPoS solution allows you to deliver the very best service to your customers. When a change occurs within your company, whether it be new stock in-take, sale or promotion, all of the other checkouts in your business will be updated straight away. This reduces the chance of a customer buying an item that is out of stock, or not receiving the full level of customer service that they deserve.
For small, one checkout businesses, it may not be beneficial to invest in a cloud-based EPoS system at this stage. However any company looking to expand in the near future should most certainly consider whether a cloud-based solution could benefit them. While there is an initial adjustment to be made to your processes and the way that data is handled, the improved efficiency for your business and the extra level of customer service that you will be able to supply will far out-weigh the costs.