Windows 8 Review And Key Features
With more than 300 new features it tempts us to look into it and see what they really are. As the famous quote by Dave Barry “Bill Gates is a very rich man today… and do you want to know why? The answer is one word: versions”. That says a lot about Microsoft and its founder the money he is making surely suggest a great success of his product with consumers. Now this new version there have been different rumors in the town so I thought I should dig it out for myself and let my readers know about it. Let’s see if this “version” has any potential to be another big hit in the market from Microsoft league. Short and sweet let’s get to its key specifications and see what it has to offer.
Key features and specifications
- With better resource distribution to system and apps the load and boot speed has been improved greatly, far better than its predecessors.
- As soon as you logged into windows 8 first thing that catches your attention is UI or tiles based layout now that is something we finds with numerous smart phones, tabs etc. I was wondering why they would have something as such as most of its market is desktop users and emerging markets around the world where touch interface is not much of hit so far. Still it is a cool and new look to the whole versions thing. Plus you can do the tap thing with the new Vivo mouse and with tablets.
- Now it supports Intel and AMD processors that are hosted by ARM tablets and x86 pc’s.
- A total replacement for “start bar” by “Charm” which gives five options that are settings, share, devices, search and start. Where the devices showcases all the connected devices to your system and share option gives links you up with different social networks to share things.
- Snap multi tasking another feature where you can run two apps side by side.
- Windows 8 control panel is redesigned like many things in this version. Now it includes options like General, wireless, notifications, Users, Privacy, Share and search.
- With two touch keyboards now you can have far better touch experience and not just that the second thumbs keyboard is for non touch keyboard users. The main features of these keyboards are Word suggestion, Spell check.
- An amazing new feature is “Windows to go” where a user can copy all his windows 8 settings with wallpapers, files and applications to a USB and you can put it in any system with Windows 8 and you will have the same settings available to you over there, a great feature indeed.
- A similar another option that you can utilize when you are not being able to get to your computer is Windows Live Syncing where a user can login with his own “LIVE ID” and can have his/her personalized settings on any computer with windows 8 anywhere on the globe.
- To take benefits of ports of USB 3.0 the windows 8 has USB 3.0 drivers now.
- The copy experience has been enhanced to a new level now you can have all your copying processes in one box and you can there choose to pause, resume and stop. Plus an output graph for more detailed view of copying processes. The graph gives an accurate estimation of data transfer rate, data left etc.
- A new one on me support for multiple monitors, now you can have start screen on one monitor and desktop on another. Not just that you can also extend task bar across two computer and likewise your wallpaper.
- Family safety feature allows its users (parents) to restrict usage time limits, web filtering and apps limitations.
- New task manager with bulk of new options and features to cater to the needs of windows 8 users.
- Auto error detection and diagnosis to fix it.
- Windows 8 comes with an updated version of “window defender” to give its user an increased level of safety and security.
- Hyper-V virtualization in the package now that’s what I call a unique thing in the whole package.
- Explorer 10 if you don’t like the all rest.
- Now you can be integrated with various other products and services of Microsoft like Xbox video, Xbox live, skydive etc via your account.
Review in a nutshell
Like I said there are over 300 new features being integrated in windows 8 but these are the one’s that I consider the key features of windows 8. Overall windows would sell well and that version quote does make sense.