Is Linux more Secure than Windows? – An Extended Debate

A stretched debate has been on for years on the choice of superior OS between Windows and Linux. PC protection is every one’s utmost priority, so they go for the best possible antivirus like Norton, Avast or Carbonite. However, nothing will work, if the foundation is not correct, i.e. the security of your system depends upon the operating system brought into use. And Windows and Linux come up to be the top rivals in the race of best OS. Here we are, with an extensive discussion on the pros and cons of both, to give you a fair idea. Keeping the below points in mind will help you pinpoint the best OS for your complete system and Internet security.

Linux Pros

The best thing about Linux is its fundamental design. It has been designed is such a way so as to ensure a reliable and strong security base. Being an open source system, it is more easily repairable and bugs can be fixed with relative ease. According to the users of Linux, they have faced much lesser security threats as they changed from Windows to Linux.

Windows Pros

Microsoft has put its best step forward to give a secure working atmosphere to the users with severe security measures like run time security testing and SQL. Its researchers work day and night to explore any possible security flaw and keep the customers relaxed with frequent updates, online backup support and much more. Many attractive deals are offered through promo coupon code and offer code on Microsoft products. Thus, the brand name Microsoft goes in favour of Windows, keeping a possible upper hand over Linux.

Linux Cons

Linux is relatively new, and inexperienced, thus chances are high that it becomes vulnerable to modern internet security issues. It doesn’t have such an extensive support system, as in Windows. This means that Linux may falter in front of its rivals in long term.

Windows Cons

Frequent problems arise for users who use Internet, and thus, they are forced to use anti malware for their systems to keep them secure. Many more spywares, Trojans, worms and viruses are found on Windows than any other Operating system.  It is inferior to Linux in terms of a strong architecture that lacks in almost every version, Windows has come up with.


Although Linux has come up as a new market player in comparison to Windows, there is no reason to think that it will be less secure. On the other hand, it is difficult to find the drivers for Linux, thus making it less feasible for new users. Windows has faced many security issues in the recent past, thus making it less favourite among the users. However, comparing the successful security attacks in a creating time interval, Linux takes an upper edge over its counterpart. Final piece of advice would be to gain experience with both OS, and try to know which one suits your needs and requirements better.

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