Some Windows XP Registry Tricks
Some Windows XP registry tricks:
1. Speed up your start menu’s speed: The speed of the start menu by default is darn slow. But this can be boosted by editing a windows registry key.
In the run command type regedit and hit Enter. In the window that appears locate the following key.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Control Panel \ Deskop \ MenuShowDelay
The default value is 400. Change it to somewhere around 5 or you can also set the value to zero. You are done.
You can also increase the speed considerably by disabling the shadow to the menus. To disable this, navigate to the display properties. Then go to Appearance, then effects and turn of the “Show menu Shadow” option.
2. Prevent unwanted users from logging in: You can prevent access to your computer by people even as a default user with the help of this windows registry trick.
Open up the registry editor and then navigate to this location:
Then create a Dword value “Must be Validated”.
Set the value to 1.
3. Prevent your system from rebooting after windows update: Normally after a window update is downloaded and installed the system is automatically rebooted. This can be troublesome to you at times. This setting can be changed as follows:
Locate the following key in the registry editor.
Then create a new Dword value or modify the pre- existing value called NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUser. Set the value given there from 0 to 1.
4. Skip the “browse the web to find appropriate program” prompt while opening unknown files : When you attempt to open an unknown file, i.e. the file which the computer doesn’t know which program to open with, you get an option to browse the web to find the appropriate program to open the file. You can disable this with the help of the following windows registry trick.
Go to the following key or create it.
Then modify the Dword value called InternetOpenWith bye changing it from 0 to 1.
You are done.
5. Change the default folders location: Have you ever desired that when you save something, the default location be the one of your desire? With the help of this windows registry trick, you can change the default locations like My Documents or My Pictures to the one you desire.
Open regedit and go to: Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ Explorer\ Shell Folders
Change the folder location from My Documents to any other which you like. (My Documents is normally listed as the personal).
Open the explorer and rename or create the folder.
6. Add or remove sound events from Control Panel: You can remove the sound events like your mouse double click sound, MSN messenger Instant message sound or any other.
Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\AppEvents\Schemes\Apps and EY_CURRENT_USER\AppEvents\Schemes\Eventlabels
You can add or remove items form here as per your wish.
7. Stop Windows Messenger from auto starting: You might be annoyed sometimes to see that the Messenger starts up automatically when the computer starts. You can stop this in by modifying some settings with this windows registry trick.
Open the run command and type regedit and then hit enter. Go to this key and delete it.
Optionally you can also remove it from MSCONFIG.
8. Multiple Columns for Start Menu: Change the registered user information of your computer: Even after windows is installed the Name of the Registered Owner or the Registered Organization can be changed. This is done as follows:
In the registry editor locate this key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion.
Then change the name of Registered Organization or the Registered owner as you like.
9. Auto refresh: When you make certain changes to the file system or the Explorer the changes are not seen unless you press the refresh(F5) key. For auto refresh apply this windows registry trick:
Go to regedit and go to the following key.
Set the value of UpdateMod to 1.
10. Turn off Window Animation: With this windows registry trick, you can turn off windows animation. From the Run Command access registry editor. Then navigate to this location: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control panel \Desktop\WindowMetrics.
Create a new Dword value “MinAnimate”.
Set the value to 0.
thanks for reading.
thanks for reading!
These are all great tips. Thanks for a great source.