WordPress 3.1 Django available for download now
The most awaited version of WordPress, WordPress 3.1 has is now available for download. WordPress 3.1 also called “Django” can also be updated from the dashboard. Django is named after the Jazz guitarist Django Reinhardt.
WordPress 3.1 makes it easy to link to your older posts and pages. You’ll get an option to search your older posts and then link to them with a click. This is available from within the “Insert/Edit Link” dialogue box. The box used to take quite a while to load in the earlier version but on WordPress 3.1, it looks pretty snappy.
The writing interface is also a huge improvement from the past. The less used panels are hidden and an effort has been put to make the interface more user friendly and easy to use. But you can switch back to the older panel from the Screen Options. In a logged in session, bloggers can see an admin bar at the top of their blogs that lets them to quickly edit a post, go to the dashboard, get short links to a post etc.
WordPress has added lots of functionality into its code that may not be visible to normal users. The new Post Format Options enables theme creators to create portable tumblelogs that will let writers style their posts variously. There are enhanced import and export options and custom field options. This version of WordPress has a boatload of new features that will let you customize it better and obtain finer results.