Youtube Time Machine- back to the past
Ever wondered about time travelling, and time machine? This won’t take you back to the past but you’’ll get to see videos from the olden days. Youtube Time Travel(YTTM) helps you cherish your memories of the past. Youtube Time Machine(YTTM) randomly lets you see the videos from the past.
Youtube Time Machine(YTTM) has a timeline in years and clicking on any year will bring up a video of something relevant to that year. The site was launched earlier this weak as a wireframe version. Now Youtube Time Machine has added some filtering options like Video Games, Television, Commercial, Current events, Sports, Movies and Music which you can toggle off or on. A “watch next video” button has also been added.
When I clicked on the year 1945 from the timeline, this video showed up on YTTM.(Swing Dancing from the movie twice based 1945)
Similarly, when i clicked on, the year 1974, I got to see a trailer from the 1974 movie Blazing Saddles.
You can go to the next video from the same year by refreshing the page or clicking on the Next Video button.
The videos in the site were manually searched by the team members for the site and it has an accumulation of around 4000 videos from from the year 1860 upto the year 2010. All videos are from Youtube(as the name suggests). There is only one video from 1860 though. Its actually just audio of the first sound ever recorded.
Youtube Time Travel(YTTM) will hopefully expand its database of videos in the coming days.