Tagged: PHP

Yesblogs blogging platform

To manage a Wordpress blog and to customize it, one needs basic HTML, CSS or PHP knowledge too. A new blogging platform “Yesblogs” has been recently launched. This blogging platform doesn’t require you to know any HTML or CSS techniques as the developers say.

How to check if your site is ready for WordPress 3.2

The popular blog engine Wordpress will release a new version of Wordpress, namely Wordpress 3.2 next year. But, the version will strictly require PHP version 5.2 and MySQL version 5.0.15 in the least. If your server doesn’t have PHP 5 support, you won’t be able to run this version of Wordpress. So, is your Wordpress blog ready for getting upgraded to Wordpress 3.2? You can check if you blog is ready for Wordpress 3.2 with some online tools.