Tagged: Google Plus

Social Networking Tools for Businesses

The social media explosion has caused businesses all over the globe to re-imagine what branding and marketing look like in a digital world. While this has been a step in the right direction for the global business community, social media marketing comes with its own set of challenges. For starters, each social network has its own language and boundaries. First off, there are the obvious content barriers that are embedded into both Facebook and Twitter. Still, it seems that the gap between Twitter and Facebook is shallow when compared to the nebulous black hole known as Google+. With this in mind, the big question surrounding Google’s burgeoning social network is: So, now what?

Five Social Media Risks Every Employee Should Know About

How many times would you find yourself logging on to social media websites? During weekends, it is generally fine and some even spend the whole day just surfing their respective Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr accounts, to name a few.But during weekdays, employees have to deal with abstaining for a few hours to do their work.

5 Ways To Incorporate Google Plus On Your Blog

The social network flavor of the month is the one from the almighty Google themselves and although it has been noted in several tech sites that only those who are web savvy are on the platform. It can’t hurt to incorporate Google Plus on your site or blog.

An all in one Chrome extension for Google+

With the introduction of Google+ in the social networking scenario, a lot of browser addons and extensions have already been developed. Extensions for having Google+ notifications, quick view etc. are already available for Google Chrome. GTools+ is an extension that may be the perfect tool for Google Plus you’re looking for.

How to get the Feed of any Google+ user

RSS readers still are loved by many even though a lot have ditched them for Twitter, Facebook and other social media tools. It would be really handy if you could subscribe to the updates from a Google Plus user using your RSS feed reader. If you want to subscribe to Google+ RSS feeds of a user, you can do it using this tool.

Quick view the links shared in Google+ through Chrome

Twitter after its new redesign lets you see shared videos or photos from Youtube, Vimeo, Flickr, Yfrog, Twitpic etc. without leaving the site. Wouldn’t you want a similar functionality on Google+ where you can view a site shared on Google+ without having to leave the page? Quick View for Google Plus is a Chrome Extension that lets you view content shared on Google+ without leaving the website.