Tagged: website

Web Designers: What You Should Know About SEO

Throughout my time in the SEO industry, I’ve come to find that there can be a huge disconnect between web designers and SEOs in terms of how to go about best optimizing a site for the client’s needs. Most designers that I’ve worked with don’t really know much about SEO, and that’s ok because in reality, their job is to design, not optimize. However, I can guarantee that by learning a few simple SEO tips as a designer, you will become much more marketable to your clients. Most importantly, it will be that much easier for you to work with the SEO professionalthat might have a hand in your client’s site also.

Make more from your traffic by multivariate testing

Multivariate testing can help companies make more money by increasing website traffic and sales conversions. Companies evaluate each landing page to determine how the layout, colors, images, videos and other elements of the website affect their ability to entice customers to purchase products or services. The more appealing and user-friendly the website becomes, the more likely visitors will purchase a product from the site. Multivariate testing helps companies know definitively which website elements are most effective.

6 ways to get your creativity flowing in relation to blog post

Are you lacking inspiration to write down your new article? Are you feeling as if you used up all the different topics when it comes to your web blog topic? If you are in this situation then you’ll certainly benefit from looking over this article where I’ll be dealing with 6 different ways that will assist you find some ideas for your upcoming article.

Top Conversion Rate Optimization Tips

Your conversion rate is a measurement of the efficiency of your website that you can use to compare present versions of your site with future revisions. While optimization can be a never-ending process, following a few simple tips can have a very noticeable improvement on your conversion rate. The tips that follow are a few of the simplest things you can do to your site to create a big boost in your conversion rate.

Personal Finance Technology that Can Save Your Bank Account

Is there anything more thrilling than planning a budget and balancing your checkbook? Yes, a lot of things, actually. Who even carries around a checkbook anymore? The unfortunate truth is, however, that managing your banks accounts may be boring, but still imperative if you want to live a financially stress-free life. After all, wouldn’t you be a much happier person if you never paid another overdraft fee?

5 Tips for Creating Killer Landing Pages

Creating killer landing pages can pay you back in big dividends. Your landing page, or the page users are directed to after they make that first click in the search results, should be captivating and offer a clear and concise actionable message. This may sound easy in theory, but landing page design is slightly more complex than this simple goal. Here are five tips to take to heart when building your landing pages.

SEO for e-commerce product pages

Search engine optimisation for e-commerce sites presents a number of challenges and opportunities that need to be overcome in order to maximise conversion and rankings alike. In this post we shall look at the product page only, and how to make the most of this vital element to any e-commerce business.

Quick view the links shared in Google+ through Chrome

Twitter after its new redesign lets you see shared videos or photos from Youtube, Vimeo, Flickr, Yfrog, Twitpic etc. without leaving the site. Wouldn’t you want a similar functionality on Google+ where you can view a site shared on Google+ without having to leave the page? Quick View for Google Plus is a Chrome Extension that lets you view content shared on Google+ without leaving the website.

Designing a website using Turnkey virtual appliance

Aside from death and taxes, there are not a whole lot of universal certainties one can rely on. When it comes to the Internet, however, one thing is for certain: it just gets bigger and bigger every day. As the Internet gets bigger, websites become more and more sophisticated, with complexities that can cause the average web developer premature aging, insanity and other disorders if website development isn’t taken care of properly. Yes, it is that serious. While the 20th century term for occupational madness may have been “going postal,” the new 21th century term should definitely be “going web developer.”

Some Tips for Surfing the Web in the Office

Recent reports have shown that the average company employee spends approximately 1 hour and fifteen minutes surfing the internet every day. While some managers don’t mind their workers spending some time for themselves, others do not take it as kindly. You can find some tips on surfing web in the office.