Tagged: technology

Barcode-reading technologies

Barcodes play a significant role in our lives and modern civilisation. They are almost so important that they go unnoticed. Once you begin to think about barcodes, you will notice them everywhere, from trips out shopping and working around town, to your place of work and flicking through a magazine. Here are some of the many uses for barcodes.

The Changing Role of Today’s Digital Agencies

A digital agency can be defined as a business that delivers services for the creative and technical development and growth of internet based products. Digital agencies perform their business by working out on your business using digital technology. SEO or search engine optimization is one of the most important tasks of any digital agency these days. Getting the clients’ products in a high-ranked popular zone is certainly very desirable. Generating more goodwill and reaching to more and more potential customers are two important tasks that can be done over various social network sites like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter et cetera. Digital agencies are helping in this matter as well.

Palm Vein Technology Lets You Safeguard Your Mails and Personal Docs

With the innovative palm vein technology developed by Fujitsu, it’s time you forget about photo IDs, signatures, voiceprint, fingerprint, facial recognition or iris scan security technologies. This new authentication technology offers a lot of advantages over the other biometric technologies.

ForcePads: the Future of Point Devices?

The rapid modern progression in computer technology has seen the world of consumers having to rapidly adapt to new point devices with which to interact with their devices. Over time, developers have tried to get more and more from initially simple designs.

How Technology is Improving Senior Medical Care

In the past several decades, technology has had a dramatic impact on the medical field. Today we can do things that were once only dreamed of. From laparoscopic surgery to artificial limbs that truly mimic human limbs, we’ve seen technology revolutionize medical care.

Using Technology to Deliver Business Training

Emerging technologies give businesses the tools to provide higher quality and more consistent employee training. Various forms of technology can be used to match the type of training that is needed by individual businesses.

How Embracing Green Technology Helps Improve Our Environment

Green technology has more than become the subject of the media and big companies these days; it’s what the world is moving towards. And in a few years to come, those that have not embraced this new light technology has brought will, rather than been called archaic people, might be considered insensitive to improvements.

Getting a Job in the Tech Industry

We all have our passions and hobbies, whether it’s playing football, reading books, riding motorbikes or trying to come up with the next global phenomenon like the iPad, but not many people take advantage of their skills and interests and turn them into careers. There are so many people all around the world who are currently unemployed or in jobs they don’t enjoy, but they don’t know how to get into a position where they can feel as though they enjoy going in each day as opposed to going in, getting through the day, collecting your pay packet at the end of the month and doing it all again next month.