Tagged: wordpress

Now get control over your Wodpress.com blogs through SMS

You can update your status on Twitter or Facebook easily through SMS. Wordpress.com has released a feature that lets you have a certain level of control on your blog via SMS. The newly launched Wordpress.com text messaging feature lets you manage your blog through SMS messages. So don’t worry if you don’t have a computer at your disposal for basic control over your Wordpress.com blog.

Start a conversation about your content with Sharebacks

Sharebacks is an online service that will help you start a conversation on Facebook regarding any of your content and show it on your website. Integrating Sharebacks will keep your visitors more engaged in your site and they can give their own insights and share media as well. Sharebacks is the best option to enhance interaction in your blog.

Turn your blog into a book

Are you a regular blogger and write about things that interest you? Blogging is a good way of archiving your thoughts and ideas. Wouldn’t you love to have your blog in the form of a book? Or, if you believe you’ve mind boggling content, wouldn’t you love to get your blog published as a book? Anthologize is a great tool that gives you the power of converting a blog into a book.

How to preview post as you type in WordPress

In the draft mode in Wordpress, you click on the Preview Post link to see how your post would look like after being published. But isn’t it a bit tedious to preview the post each time while drafting? Wouldn’t you love it if you could “see as you type” how your post would appear on the blog? A few modifications in the stylesheet and a few tweaks here and there will let you have the benefit.

See which of your posts are getting more spams

Where there is a blog, there are spams. Every blogger spends a lot of time in handling spams. Even plugins like Askimet cannot get hold of Spam sometimes. Besides, Askimet also tends to filter normal comments into spam category. There are certain posts on your blog that attract more spams than others. These can better be called the “Spam Magnets”. Spam Magnet Checker is a cool plugin that lets you have an analysis of the Spam Magnet posts, i.e. the posts getting maximum number of spams on your blog.

I just fought a malware on this WordPress blog

My blog was facing a malware issue in the last few days. Well I wasn’t aware of this fact. About 5 days ago, when I tried to open my blog in Google Chrome, it showed a malware warning. I was pretty much surprised to see that, because my blog was running smooth on Chrome just the day before. I thought either there’s something wrong with my computer or Chrome was screwed up.

Update status messages on Social Networks with HelloTxt

Many of us love making our identity over various social networks. These days microblogging platforms like Twitter, Friendfeed etc. are getting very popular. Sending Tweets have been a part of daily life for many tech-savvies. Or those obsessed with the social networks keep updating their status on Facebook or Bebo. But if you use a handful of these sites, you update your status message on each of them. But what if you get to update all those statuses from a single place? Well HelloTxt can help you do that.

Popular posts widget for your blog based on the highest number of traffic-I

You want to show your readers the posts that are most popular on your blog. If you use Wordpress for maintaining your blog, you can use or must have already used plugins that show off the most popular posts. Placing such widgets help you get more traffic to your quality posts. But the wordpress plugins basically display the popular posts based on the number of comments, i.e. the more comments a blog gets, the higher is its rank on the popular posts widget. The posts that get the highest number of comments are not necessarily the posts that get the maximum number of traffic. So, what if you want to put a popular posts widget that shows the posts getting maximum number of traffic?

How I moved from my old domain to this one

After being on my old domain http://www.bishaladhikary.com.np for a couple of months, I finally decided to move to this one. Actually my friend Ghtozkat suggested me that as the domain was a country domain of Nepal, the traffic would be targeted to Nepal by default. So, he suggested me to move to a new domain .com, .net or .org and so I moved my Wordpres blog to this domain. Well I had to go through a lot of processes to get all my previous posts on this domain and then finally redirect my old domain to this.