What are the newest things to come from Apple?

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June 26, 2012

Apple, long thought of as only computer manufacturers, surprised the world by opening their product line to include the iPod nearly eleven years ago. Since then, they have branched out into all areas of mobile technology including phones and tablet computers, and every year they innovate again and release the newest addition to their stable. This year was no exception, and if the rumours are to be believed, then next year will be just as exciting.

Because the operating systems that run Apple devices are completely owned and protected by Apple, it means that their devices can’t be hacked or modified as easily. No system is completely secure, but Apple has an unparalleled security record when it comes to mobile devices. Since Apple only makes products that run Apple software and also only make the software for Apple devices, they are able to ensure that their devices can get the most out of the software, and build their handsets specifically to meet the needs of the software, and vice versa. This allows them to make sure that they are great at what they do.

Apple iOS 5 was released last year, adding a lot of new functionality and some stylish new tweaks that made the iPhone and iPad much easier and faster to use. Without missing a beat, they announced the release of the iPhone 4s, an improved version of the iPhone 4, with much greater hardware specifications and the newest addition to the Apple brand, Siri.

Siri is an intelligent assistant that makes using the iPhone much easier. Want to know the weather, just ask and Siri will find the information for you. It’s down to small additions and innovations like Siri that ensure that the mobile industry never stops creating ground breaking technology and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.

The cloud is another such example of this. The cloud wasn’t purely an invention of Apple, however. Many manufacturers, games developers and software designers have been using the Cloud idea for a while now. But Apple took the idea and made it useful in the everyday world. Photographs can be taken and accessed on your iPad or Macbook right away, with no need to transfer the pictures. Schedules and appointment information can be viewed from any device anywhere; essays and documents can be picked up and continued on a different device. The cloud works like this:

If you have something saved to a compatible device, you can access it anywhere, anytime, because a copy of it has been saved in your cloud storage area. If there’s a song you want to listen to, but can’t find on your iPhone right now, it’s available on the Cloud. If it’s on your hard drive at home or if it’s been on your iPod at all, you can download it from your own storage and listen to it wherever you are. It opens up the information you already have and makes it available wherever you are. Cloud storage is how everything will be done in the future.

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